Don’t Let the Algorithm Get You Down


“UGH, the algorithm.”
“I can’t grow because of the algorithm.”
“The algorithm hates me.”

I could go on, and on… and on.

And, guys, I’m pretty sure that ANY business owner you ask has said at LEAST one version of it.

(I certainly have.)

But, here’s what I’ve learned: we all give the algorithm WAY too much power. Way too much. (And then some.)

In reality, there IS an algorithm — but all it is, at the end of the day, is a string of code that Instagram uses to organize feeds and Stories.  That’s it. It doesn’t have morality, it doesn’t get angry, and it doesn’t hate you.


So, let’s chat about it (and stop letting it get us all down).


How does the Instagram algorithm work?


On a high level, the Instagram algorithm uses a variety of things — user interactions, engagement, content type, recency, relationships, etc. — to, ideally, show the right content to the right people. It learns from your activity (and from that, your ideal audience) to categorize your content, it showcases certain things, and helps you to find new things and people, too. 

Since Instagram wants you to create engaging content, it’s going to (more often than not) reward the kind of content that’s original and entertaining — but that, I think, is where we all tend to get tripped up. See, I’m sure ALL of us have had the experience of creating something we thought was SO. GOOD., only to see it…


That’s the hard part.

But, it takes me back to what I said up there. At the end of the day, all the algorithm REALLY is just code and tech — no morality. No anger. No hate. I promise.

So, all of that being said…


How do you not let the algorithm get you down?


There are a few focuses I think all business owners should have when it comes to the online content world — especially if you’re stressing over the algorithm. Here they are;

  • Have a solid brand sense: At the end of the day, it can be really easy to lose yourself in the social sauce — which is why having a strong sense of your brand is so dang important. When you’re aware of, proud of, and tuned into your mission, vision, values, and everything in between, it becomes a lot easier to see if you’re creating content JUST to create it, or if you’re doing so purposefully. When you know you’re aligned, it’s a lot harder to stress about the algorithm. (Promise.) 
  • Build a marketing team: So often, we try to do everything and then some in business — but why?! Not everything is our job or our zone of genius, and when we ACT like everything is our job/our zone, we end up panicking about things that don’t matter… and doing the wrong things in the name of “fixing” them. This is why building a marketing team (or simply finding marketing friends you trust!) and getting strategic advice. Keeping up with social media is a FULL-time job, literally. 
  • Test and study: The real truth of the matter when it comes to social media is this: the algorithm will seem to “like” some things you do over another. (That’s just the way it is.) For example, carousels are having a *moment* on Instagram. All the “dumps” and “camera roll crumbs” and oodles of people posting a long line of images have caused IG to make carousels 20 images instead of 10. The platform is literally encouraging you to make aaaall the carousels. Next month, the platform might refocus on reels (hint* it’s testing vertical feeds, instead of square placements… very similar to another very-closely-related-video platform). Instead of getting fixated on ALL the change ALL the time, just be aware of it! Then, you can see what performs well — and create repeatable content formulas that lean on that!


Alright, friends — you have it: encouragement, advice, and some good ole’ fashioned SOLIDARITY. Because, trust me. I get it, and I’m here for you…

Every time.