When you’re researching all things Facebook ads and launches, you’ll pretty much alllllways see a recommendation for what we call a webinar launch:...
Can You Scale During a Launch?
When you’re launching something new (first off, congratu-freaking-lations!), Facebook ads can be your biggest weapon. However, they can also feel...
Is Your Cost-Per-Lead Good?
Facebook advertising can be THE most cost-effective way to scale your business… or it can be a waste of time and money. You know that we’re big on...
My iOS Update Checklist
Ooh, iOS software updates… AKA, the bane of my existence (and, like, everyone’s. Always. Can you just chill, Apple?!) But, really though — iOS...
10 Simple Steps to Build an Opt-In Page That Converts
Beauty lies in simplicity. There’s no arguing that, is there? And while I definitely admire certain luxurious things, in business…???...
Tips for Creating an Effective Facebook Ad Budget
Facebook ads are an excellent strategy to market your business online. Whether you’re an emerging entrepreneur or an established business owner, it...
My Video Wishlist for Clients
In the Facebook ad world, there’s nothing more important than engaging an audience right off the bat — and that’s why I am absolutely obsessed with...
Biggest Lessons
Ah, entrepreneurship — a massive part of my life, an important part of my life, and a really beautiful part of my life. I got into the online...
Scheduling FB Ads for Success
On this blog, I answer a lot of questions you have about how to run Facebook ads successfully. I know that there’s so much to cover when it comes to...
My Secrets for Onboarding Clients into My Agency
If you run an agency like I do or you own a service-based, client-based business, you know how important it is to onboard clients effectively… and...
7 Ways to Reduce What You Pay for Facebook Ads
I may be in the business of making money from helping people create solid Facebook ad campaigns, but the last thing I want is for anyone to waste...
How to Use Existing Video Content to Build Audiences
If you’re even kiiiiinda in the avenue of marketing (which I’d bet you are, if you’re reading this blog post!), there’s no way you haven’t heard a...
Top 4 FB Metrics To Pay Attention To
The key to a successful Facebook Ad campaign starts with tracking and analyzing results. The data in the Facebook Ad Manager lets you know what’s...
Why Final Day Ads are so Important
A huge part of the work we do at our Facebook ads agency comes down to launch strategies. In fact, that’s our team’s FAVE part of this whole thing —...
My Office Tour
While these last couple of years have made WFH a huge part of pretty much everyone’s vocabulary, it’s not new for me! As an entrepreneur, I’ve been...
Why Selling Directly from FB Ads Doesn’t Work
I get a lot of questions from people new to or trying to learn more about, running ads. I loooove chatting things out and helping business owners...
What Copy Do I Need In Ads?
How important is ad copy? What details, angles and points should I include? What will compel people stop scrolling and take action? These questions...
What Creative Do You Need for a Launch?
When you’re prepping for a launch, a key part of the overall launch strategy is the ad strategy you’ll deploy. (I mean, of course! Right?!) And...
How I Use Asana as an Entrepreneur: Content Edition
Over here, I make nooooo secret of how much I love Asana — AKA, the ultimate project management software, and the one that we use for absolutely...
Why Mid-Cart Bonuses Can Help Boost Sales
When it comes to an ad strategy during the sales portion of a launch, there’s usually two sections that people really, really focus on: cart open...