How to Use Existing Video Content to Build Audiences

If you’re even kiiiiinda in the avenue of marketing (which I’d bet you are, if you’re reading this blog post!), there’s no way you haven’t heard a zillion and one things about the power of video. Whether it’s on social media or on a business website, people love talking about video.

We do, too — and we’re big believers that video content can totally transform your Facebook ad strategy and build audiences.

Plus, we know that our clients have zero time to build out a bunch of extra videos on top of everything else (retweet, right?!). That’s why we place a huge emphasis on already existing video content… AKA, the videos you already have in your arsenal. 

So, have you been looking for a new way to level up your ad strategy… without a bunch of extra work? We’ve got you covered. Here’s how to use existing video content to build your audiences.

Here’s the key to using existing video content

Marketing your business often goes hand in hand with feeling like you need to catch up… always. Here’s the thing, though: you do not need to reinvent the wheel with every piece of marketing content you send out, and you certainly don’t need to reinvent the wheel every time you build out a Facebook ad.

The key? Use what’s been well received. It’s that simple. For instance, say you hopped on IG stories recently to talk about something business-related and it sparked engagement! Save the story from your archive and use it as an ad. Say you recorded a video for a course or class a few months ago that seemed to really resonate with your audience. Save the video and use it as an ad. 

It’s that simple.

Video content = engagement ad content

When you build out your video content with content that people have already engaged with in the past, you’re setting the stage for what we like to call engagement audiences — which build warm audiences very quickly and very inexpensively. We use engagement ads constantly with our clients by utilizing their existing video content, because these can easily be edited and run with the ‘post engagement’ campaign objective to build ‘video view’ audiences for $0.01/post engagement.

Like, that’s basically free. (!!!) 

We’ve done it time and time again, and it’s been an excellent way to help our clients build their followings, create lookalike audiences, and spur engagements with their brands — it’s that easy. Now, it’s your turn!

So, if you’ve been looking for new, easy, and inexpensive ways to boost your engagement and ad strategy, there ya go! Existing video content is your secret, pals.