Why Mid-Cart Bonuses Can Help Boost Sales

When it comes to an ad strategy during the sales portion of a launch, there’s usually two sections that people really, really focus on: cart open and cart close.

But, what if I told you that you’re missing out on a huuuuuuge opportunity if you don’t also focus on mid-cart?!

Because you are. 🙂

See, cart open and close are super important. Obviously. But, at the same time, what you do during that mid-cart phase arguably matters just as much (if not more). It’s why I liiiiiiive for a good mid-cart bonus during a launch.

Let’s chat.

Why is mid-cart so important?

When mapping out a launch, it really looks like this: there’s a ton of excitement (and sales!) at cart open (people are usually riding the momentum of a webinar or challenge), then there’s a lull in sales, and then the momentum increases again right before the cart close.

And, I’d bet you know exactly where that lull is taking place, huh? The mid-cart.

When you can optimize that mid-cart phase with tons of value (and bonuses!), you can boost the heck out of your sales. In fact, we’ve seen an increase as big as 30% in sales during the 48-hour mid-cart bonus period. (!!!)

That’s a big boost, huh?! 

Now, you’re probably thinking “why on earth haven’t I been paying attention to that mid-cart period?!” but, as always, I’ve got you.

Enter: my fave tool, AKA mid-cart bonuses

We recommend mid-cart bonuses to all of our clients, especially to anyone with a longer cart open period. See, when you can add a lil’ bonus round situation to your mid-cart period, you’ll encourage those people who, A) were going to wait until the last minute, or B) were going to forget, to go ahead and lock in their purchase.

And that’s the best thing you can ask for, huh?!

There are tons of mid-cart bonuses you can implement into your launch, but here are some of the ones we’ve seen be super, super successful:

  • Checklists: People LOVE a good checklist, ok?! Like, really love a good checklist.
  • Video trainings or exclusive podcast episodes: Giving people a chance to digest new content or info via a video or podcast can be a really good way to encourage a purchase.
  • Extra course material: If you’re launching a course, it’s neeeeever a bad idea to offer additional material for your early purchasers.
  • Live components via calls or strategy sessions: If you’re launching a high-ticket program or course, tacking on an add’l call or strategy sesh can be a humongous value add.
  • An additional course you offer (a la buy one, get one).

Now, those aren’t your only bonus options, either! With a mid-cart you can really implement anything (even a flash sale discount), and you can keep it as limited-time as you’d like.

Just don’t forget about that mid-cart piece, k?!

We’re obviously #obsessed (and then some) with helping our clients rock their launches over here at System Envy. If you’re a 7 or 8-figure creative entrepreneur looking to rock your next launch, let’s chat.