How to Build a Goldmine and Increase Sales

How to Build a Goldmine and Increase Sales

It’s true: sales funnelssocial media, and paid advertising like Meta Ads (FB and IG) drive website traffic and lead to more clients and more business for online entrepreneurs who know how to use them. This is how I’ve built my business and helped clients make more money in theirs! In fact, this strategy is so important, it’s what I’m zeroing in on in my business now more than ever.

So, if your ideal customers are on Meta (hint: they are!), you’ll want to see what I have comin’ to ya (think targeting the right audience, building custom audiences, increasing sales) No fluff … well, maybe just a little fluff (because sometimes I feel fluffy) … but finding your ideal audience through a targeting cheat sheet you can use for your business systems to help you in your day-to-day and long-term marketing! Sound good?

After all, if your business isn’t steadily growing to bring you the freedom you want as an entrepreneur, we need to fix that and we need to do it yesterday. This is why I love systems. You create, implement and set them in motion to make business less stressful, more profitable, and much more fun. Also, in the form of an easy-to-digest cheat sheet? Win-win!

Not everyone loves the creation part of systems but (true confession….) I do! System Envy is here so that you can grab the content, strategy, and systems and apply them in your business today!

I find with my clients, and people I talk to in the industry, sales funnels, marketing, and Meta Ads can be confusing. And it’s not just the algorithm changes, it’s a lot of information to take in, all. the. time. It can be tricky to navigate how to target your content to find your dream audience (AKA – people who buy your offer)!

sales funnel is the path you design that leads people who are prospects to become buyers and clients. It’s your way of interesting them in your content, demonstrating your expertise and credibility, and helping them to take directed action and the next step to becoming a client. A simple sales funnel might include a free offer ☞ low-priced offer ☞ core or a higher-priced offer. Without a strategic sales funnel, entrepreneurs often lose their focus and spend time on the wrong activities trying to grow their business. A well-planned sales funnel does the work for you and creates a system that nurtures prospects, gains clients, and grows your business.

Now, add in the fuel of Meta Ads as a way to drive those prospects to and through the sales funnel and you are golden! Facebook and Instagram dominate the social media platforms. Your target clients are there, you just need to find them. So, using Meta™ ads strategically is a way to target (and retarget) custom audiences that are more likely to be already interested in the content and services you offer but they may not know you yet or know enough about you to buy!

So get ready to strengthen your sales funnel by building a targeting plan that will work. I’ve added all my secrets to targeting your ideal customers and building the goldmine that is available to you, here. Did I mention, it’s free? 

In the meantime, I’d love to hear what questions YOU have regarding online marketing as it relates to paid traffic and sales funnels? Do you need to know how to set a funnel up, what technology to use, who to target, and how to use Facebook and Instagram ads? Let me know by leaving a comment. I’d really appreciate it.

The Seasonality of a Launch

The Seasonality of a Launch

When you’re launching something big (and using Facebook ads to help you do it — hint, hint!), there are lots of things to consider — like, lots. And, one of the questions we get a ton from our clients over here is simple:

Does the seasonality of a launch matter?”

Here’s the thing…. While the seasonality of a launch can matter, it’s definitely not the only factor. The key here? Test, test, test — and pay attention to that target market of yours, above anything else. When you know your audience, you can optimize things like seasonality and messaging to make your launch work any time of year.


Here’s why your audience is key

Prepping a launch can go one of three ways, right? It can go SUPER well, it can go not-so-well, and it can go poorly — and, guess what? Knowing your audience — and approaching them the right way — is almost always at the root of all three of those ways. So, as you start getting ready for your launch and your Facebook ad campaigns, keep that audience in mind over absolutely anything else.

 When do they tend to shop the most? What messaging is going to attract them? What messaging do they hate? What have past launches shown you? Knowing this is absolutely key to rocking (or, well… not rocking) your launch in the first place.


Testing messaging during seasonal launches

Over here, we constantly talk about the importance of testing… because there’s absolutely nothing that matters as much when you’re utilizing Facebook ads to help you with a launch. This goes for seasonality, too — because it’s simple: you have to keep asking (and testing!) to see what’s working as you go… especially when it comes to messaging. 

Depending on the seasonality of your launch, try out seasonal messaging… and then try it without. For some of your audience, certain seasonal messaging could feel really tired (think: New Year, New You, etc.), but for some of your audience, seasonal messaging might be really effective. Build out several versions of messaging for every ad you’re running, and adjust as you go. 


And, here’s the million dollar q: is it better to launch at certain times of the year?!

Friends, guess what? You are the one who knows your offer like the back of your hand, and you’re the one who knows your audience. There are tons and tons of offers that do incredibly well no matter the time of year (business owners are always learning!). However, there are some offers (like… a course on Christmas lights, for instance 😂) that likely aren’t going to perform as well in June as they do in November.

It all comes down to being honest with yourself about your offer, and strategizing from there. You’ve got this. I just know it!

Do You Need a Webinar In Order to Launch?

Do You Need a Webinar In Order to Launch?

When you’re researching all things Facebook ads and launches, you’ll pretty much alllllways see a recommendation for what we call a webinar launch: AKA, a launch headed by a webinar that helps you generate leads and get people in the door for your offer.

And, you might be wondering: do I neeeeed a webinar for my launch?

Short answer: no, not necessarily. However, webinar launches are tried and true — and they work. We’ve been rockin’ and rollin’ with webinar launches for close to 12 years now, because we see a really big return on them. People like them, they show up for them, and they tend to perform well.

Here’s what you need to know:

First, webinar or not, it’s about a HOLISTIC APPROACH.

We really are fans of webinars, but also I cannot underscore this enough: it’s not about your webinar, and it’s not even about your ads. It’s about creating a scalable, saleable offer,  it’s about creating content, and it’s about consistently nurturing and serving an engaged audience… regardless of your launch status. Pouring time and energy into each aspect of your marketing and your launch is key, from your messaging and your creative to your landing pages, your price, and your offer itself. Before you ever even talk about hosting a webinar, make sure you focus on that.

Next up, here’s why we love webinars.

See, engagement helps bring lasting connection… and lasting connection is what brings sales. Webinars allow you to build this connection-focused engagement, and people get to see YOU, get to know YOU, and learn from YOU. It’s a powerful, strategic method for introducing yourself, your offer, and your possible outcomes, and it can also scale your launches and help you reach a wider audience.

Wanna shake up a webinar launch?

If you’re hesitant about the webinar style, don’t be — it can be super effective, and there are other ways to frame it! Keep it straightforward and make sure people know what they’re signing up for (we love using mini-sessions, live trainings, and masterclasses messaging), and keep the value first. You can create a challenge, a video series, or a more traditional lunch & learn style webinar, but make sure you don’t middle the message too much.

(Psst… remember — testing is always effective. If you’re trying out different messaging for your webinar-style launch, make sure you’re warming up your audience to your messaging and testing different variations.)


Remember: you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do in a launch, and there are no real rules! However, webinar launches are proven strategies… so keep that in mind, too.

Can You Scale During a Launch?

Can You Scale During a Launch?

When you’re launching something new (first off, congratu-freaking-lations!), Facebook ads can be your biggest weapon. However, they can also feel like a big investment, which is why you might be asking:

“Can I start small and scale my ad campaigns during a launch?”

This is a question we’ve heard tons over here, and it’s also something that we strategize pretty heavily with our clients themselves. And, here’s your answer: in short, yes — but it’s a heck of a lot more difficult to scale as you go than to start with your max budget and scale down if you need to.

Let’s talk:

First up — Facebook ads take some time.

All of the tracking and the behind-the-scenes work that goes into Facebook ad campaigns also go hand-in-hand with the algorithm’s learning phase. The algorithm needs some time to get out of that learning phase, and if you’re pouring more money into an ad over a very short period of time, it’s a lot more difficult to see what’s actually working and what’s not.

Since launches are so time-sensitive — and since you usually don’t have months, but just a couple of weeks — this can be extra tricky. While it may feel riskier, it’s almost always a better idea to go all-in at the beginning of an ad campaign and then turn them off or lower the budget later. By doing it the opposite way, you’ll often increase your cost per lead anyways (which isn’t what you want). 

Next up? Budget, budget, budget.

Before you ever even design and start your launch, figure out your goals, your conversion rates, and your average cost per lead. Once you do that, you can give yourself a few budget options and decide what feels best. In fact, this is actually what we do for our clients!

Once you have a budget range, you can think of a few best- and worst-case scenarios based on your cost per lead. This is how you can find out what feels most comfortable, and it’s also how you can set realistic goals and expectations for your ad money itself.

And, remember — there’s more to it than just sales.

Launches are also about building your list and developing as many leads as you can — so no matter the number of leads and purchases you make, you’re still making some big-time moves in your business. Don’t discount the value of a great lead, and don’t get so caught up in numbers that you miss other benefits of your launch.

Plus, be willing to take a slight risk! If you do it right, it almost always pays off.

You’ve got this, friends — don’t sell yourself short (literally). Instead, focus on the strategy and challenge yourself. We know you can do it.

Is Your Cost-Per-Lead Good?

Is Your Cost-Per-Lead Good?

Facebook advertising can be THE most cost-effective way to scale your business… or it can be a waste of time and money. You know that we’re big on Facebook ads to scale cost-effectively (obviously!), which is why we constantly come back to one question:

Is your cost-per-lead good?

Because, here’s the thing: if it’s not, you’re doing yourself and your business a big disservice. Luckily, though, there are some key indicators you can look for to check on your cost-per-lead, and there are some ways to optimize that cost-per-lead well.


First things first… what makes sense for YOU and your business?


Cost-per-lead is not going to be the same across the board (not even close). CPL varies drastically depending on tons of things, like the platform you’re advertising on, your industry, your audience engagement, and your offer itself. Over here, we serve digital course creators and we’ll see a CPL lead from $0.30, all the way to $30.00 (depending on all of those factors). We estimate our typical CPL to be around $4-$8. 

But, no matter what the cost-per-lead IS, we ask ourselves one simple question:

Does it make sense?! AKA, are people actually buying the offer, OR are they being set up to buy an offer in the future?

See, not every lead is going to be a purchaser. So, if you usually see that you need 10 leads for one purchase, that makes a difference — AKA, say your CPL is $10. If your CPL is $10, your cost-per-sale is going to be $100. While that might be a great margin for a really high-ticket course, it’s not going to be a great margin for a $10 guide. 

This is also where you have to start thinking about where your leads are going to — are they instantly making a purchase, or are they signing up for your email list in hopes that they’ll make a later purchase? These things matter when it comes to building engaged customers *and* making smart business decisions, too.


So, here’s how to keep an eye on your cost-per-lead:


This is why we’re so big on tracking over here at System Envy — because great tracking is what helps you stay on top of whether or not people are converting from your funnel (and where, exactly, they are converting from). 

Having your pixel set up with the lead and purchase tag is key. You want the lead event on your opt-in confirmation pages, and your purchase event on your sale confirmation page. The best way to do this for tracking is to have this confirmation be a separate page/URL. That way you can test the confirmation of lead or sale by tracking the URL in Events Manager. People wouldn’t be able to navigate to this URL from any other path, so it’s a safe and effective way to get reliable data.

Then, you have to test. And test again. And, you guessed it… TEST SOME MORE. 🙂 By running different campaigns at different price points and CPLs, you can start to see which ones are working better — and you can also see very quickly (hellooo, ads manager) what your benchmarks should be.



Over here, we know that Facebook ads can seem confusing — but we’re all about demystifying them to help you rock your business *and* your ad strategy.

My iOS Update Checklist

My iOS Update Checklist

Ooh, iOS software updates… AKA, the bane of my existence (and, like, everyone’s. Always. Can you just chill, Apple?!)

But, really though — iOS updates are something we’ll always have to navigate in this online business space, and it’s silly not to learn how we can maximize benefits and still rock things like ad campaigns alongside these updates. However, the April 2021 iOS 14.5 update has really challenged a LOT of people who rely on Facebook ads to scale their businesses and promote their launches.

Here’s what you need to know to navigate iOS updates with ease:

First off  — what is the iOS update?

The huge iOS update that had the most impact, also known as iOS 14.5, came to fruition because of online privacy — which is something that’s obviously hugely important (and continues to be only more important as time goes on). Since we truly do everything on our phones, from shopping to texting to calling and everything in between, the iOS update aimed to solidify and strengthen some privacy aspects of the iPhone.

The point? To give phone users a lot more control over the information that gets shared with advertisers and the like. 

We get it. But, for Facebook and IG ads, this update has made a big difference — especially since the new update feature, which allows users to opt out of being tracked, has caused a big drop in engagement and a big increase in algorithm fluctuations. 

While companies like Facebook and other software providers are currently working to find ways for advertisers and privacy standards to live in harmony, we’re at a bit of a standstill with it all right now — and there are a few (non-intimidating!) things you can do. Step one? Go through this checklist before you run any ad:

My iOS Update Checklist 

  1. Verify your domain.
  2. Install cAPI on your website software host (similar to the FB pixel)!
  3. Configure aggregated events.
  4. Toggle on advanced matching.

Step 1: Verifying your domain

You’ll want to verify all domains that you’re running ads to, but please note, all subdomains will also be included! So if you verify something like “”, “” will also be verified. 

Step 2: Installing cAPI

For installing the conversion API, it is helpful to get assistance from a developer, or someone who is more skilled at the technical stuff. It does make it a lot easier if you are using software or a platform that is listed as a partner on Facebook.

Step 3: Configuring Aggregated Events

In your pixel area of business manager, you will click on Aggregated Events and then prioritize the most important events for which you are running ads. 

Then choose ‘Configure Web Events’ and choose your verified domain where you are sending traffic;

Because we mainly work with digital course creators, a purchase is typically our highest prioritized event, followed by a lead and then perhaps add to cart.


Step 4: Advanced Matching

You can find this in your Event Manager Settings;

It’s not nearly as complicated as it sounds, either — promise. We also recommend taking tons of screenshots (pixels break!) and keeping alllll of your info in a table like this: 

While we know firsthand that this stuff can seem overwhelming and kind of frustrating, it’s still important to keep it top of mind. As marketers, entrepreneurs, and advertisers, we have to learn how to keep privacy AND sales in harmony… and taking simple steps like this is how we can do that.

10 Simple Steps to Build an Opt-In Page That Converts

10 Simple Steps to Build an Opt-In Page That Converts

Beauty lies in simplicity.


There’s no arguing that, is there?


And while I definitely admire certain luxurious things, in business…???


When it comes to actually achieving something and generating results, all it needs is some focus, dedication, and smarts on ONE specific goal. Simplicity.

And that’s the very reason we’re on this entrepreneurial roller-coaster together, aren’t we?

The drive behind all your business and marketing efforts is one thing and one thing only.




All your work is specifically designed to get more traffic, more leads, and more customers (which ultimately helps you have more influence, make more of an impact, and of course, allow you more income).

And there’s one simple action you can take right away to build your brand’s authority and convert traffic into warm (Read: Sizzling Hot) leads:


Landing Pages.


What is a Landing Page? Sometimes called a squeeze page, an opt-in page, or a sales page, a landing page is a stand-alone page where you send visitors in order to produce a conversion behavior.

This could be:

  • Signing up for your email list
  • Buying your offer
  • Registering for a webinar
  • Opting into a freebie

Now, let me take you on a fun lil’ stroll to creating an opt-in page that converts in 10 simple steps. Because, while I don’t think creating a high-converting opt-in page is a tough row to hoe, I DO think that the right approach can make all the difference in the world (no pressure!).

Ok, here we go…



Whether you’re using ads to generate traffic or organically leading people to your opt-in page through a blog post, interviews, social media… Whatever… Your opt-in page should have an instant sense of recognition. And, you can create this comforting vibe by synchronizing the images and copy across the board.  So, if you’re running ads, the page should match the ad. If you’re sending people to your opt-in page from a blog post, the two need to “feel” related. Keep your branding consistent.



Often, an attention-grabbing headline alone is enough to reel people in and turbocharge your conversion rate. The headline should:

  • Capture your audience’s attention.
  • Connect with them immediately.
  • Create a desire for your offer.

And you can do all of the above by writing a benefit-driven headline (instead of highlighting features). Because no matter how great your product is, the truth of the matter is, they don’t care (I’m sorry!). Your audience wants to know what’s in it for THEM. So tell them right away!



“Above the fold” refers to the portion of your website that you see without needing to scroll. So, forget about long narratives and warming people up. Over 50% of your page visitors won’t even scroll below the fold. So you need to leverage the power of the section that is above the fold. Write the crux of your message right after the headline.



Give me a clear call and I’ll take the right action to reach you. That’s a famous saying by…well, I just made it up, but you get the idea, right? Unless you tell your visitors what they need to do, they won’t do anything. Simple! Give a clear as-day Call-to-Action to make it easy for the visitor to take the next step. A few examples might be:

  • Sign Me Up
  • Get Free Access Here
  • Snag Your Free Guide Here
  • Hell Yeah, I’m In!
  • Notify Me
  • Start Your 30-Day Free Trial Today!

Test different button text and see what your prospects respond to.



Use contrasting colors for text & body design and your call-to-action button. The idea is to break the monotony and highlight the part you want your visitor to notice (Your CTA). But remember!! Don’t make your design a technicolor vomit (please no). Keep it to a maximum of 3 colors.



Simplicity is better, always! Don’t make your visitor think twice before they opt-in for your list or take you up on your offer. The shorter your form, the higher the conversion rate will be. Just asking for their first name and email is enough! (No need to ask tricky questions or be too clever).



The path to success isn’t straight, but the path to converting a visitor into a subscriber is. Don’t distract your reader by tempting them with links, navigation bars, and extra clutter. Your job is to keep them focused on your copy with supporting visuals.



If done right, visual cues can be very effective when it comes to generating one particular action. The use of arrows and pointers leads the eye where you want it to go, encouraging the final action.



Clear trumps clever. Every freakin’ time. You can be as creative with the copy as you want but don’t forget, it’s business… NOT your creative writing class. Your copy should be clear and concise. No fluff. No BS. No drama. That’s exactly what makes your offer compelling.



THIS! This step is highly unsexy but damn important. Your opt-in page must have legal Terms & Conditions and/or a Privacy Policy section at the bottom. Don’t hide it or make it difficult to find. Instead, make it very clear as it can save you lots of headaches in the future. And, just a little FYI – Facebook™ asks that these links be visible before advertising on their platform.

In a nutshell, you don’t need a special sauce to create a high-converting opt-in page. The magic is in this super simple (PROVEN) format. It all boils down to creating one simple page that flows in terms of design and messaging. And PS, there’s no end-all-be-all in opt-in pages. You gotta test and tweak to see what works for YOUR BRAND but this will give you some guidelines.

Now it’s your turn. 

Have you ever created an opt-in page that did super well? Or, one that was a dud? Do you see any of these 10 points that you’re forgetting? Tell me in the comments below. I’m waiting! 🙂

Tips for Creating an Effective Facebook Ad Budget

Facebook ads are an excellent strategy to market your business online. Whether you’re an emerging entrepreneur or an established business owner, it offers a multitude of ways to grow and scale. Determining how and where to start the process and how much to spend can be a challenge.

Let’s take a look at some of the factors to consider when budgeting your marketing dollars for Facebook ads.


Facebook advertising is an effective scaling tool. It’s a way to amplify your results for something you already know works (an offer, program, or service). Using Facebook ads to drive massive numbers of people to the offer or the components of your sales funnel can lead to exponential growth.

Before you know what works so that you can scale, Facebook ads can be used to test offers, generate leads, and to drive specific traffic (to a blog post, a website page, a live stream, etc.). They increase your traffic and visibility and boost brand awareness. These types of campaigns are an investment in future sales.

So, whether you’re testing, generating leads, or scaling – your ad campaigns and strategy require a budget.


No matter what you decide to use Facebook ads for, your Facebook advertising costs should be manageable. It’s important to consider all aspects of your costs when designing your budget. In addition to the actual ad spend that you pay Facebook to run the campaigns, be sure to include all related expenses.

Depending on what you already have, need, or will do yourself be sure to consider: copywriting, images and graphic design, and possibly fees for someone to set up and manage your ads.

Now let’s apply the budgeting considerations to the two main ways to use Facebook ads – testing a concept vs scaling an already-proven offer.


To test an idea for a product, program, or service, you can designate a more modest ad budget. Since direct results will not necessarily generate income just yet, feel free to start with a smaller Facebook ad budget. To do this, you can begin by running campaigns or boosting a post for as little as $10/day. Given the iOS update regarding privacy restrictions (and therefore adjustments to the algorithm), you want to balance giving FB enough budget to optimize while keeping in mind you’re a long-term investment.

  • Analyze the results and data to learn:
  • Is your audience even interested in your offer subject
  • What images and copy do they respond to best
  • And what targeting criteria is most effective

Then, use this information to loop back into future marketing, thereby making your marketing and advertising efforts more and more successful (think: lower costs, better results). By spending small amounts to test different components (copy, images, targeting), your cumulative results can help you save on future ads in the long run. Now you’ll apply those learnings (which images work best, what copy converts, etc.) to new ads.

The most common way to use Facebook ads is to promote an already viable offer. This includes a course, service, or program. When you apply ads to a revenue-generating offer, you amplify results because Facebook will help you find a wider audience and reach people who you may not otherwise reach. Through the strategy of retargeting, there’s great potential to exponentially improve prior results.

And now when you apply the knowledge you gained through your testing, you shortcut the process to profit because you already know what images, copy, and positioning your audience will likely respond to best. Targeting the right people and giving your audience what you already know they want is how you achieve a lower Cost-Per-Result.


As a very general rule, it’s a good idea to budget so that FB can get 50 results in 7 days. This isn’t always feasible, especially as you get started but that is their recommendation. Your first few campaigns might yield fewer results until you hit a sweet spot through your ad refinement.
Test, test, and test some more. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: there is no such thing as failure when it comes to ads. It’s all a learning experience. Gather the data and use it to run smarter campaigns.
Don’t rely on ad campaigns alone! This is where getting really strategic with your sales funnel comes into play. An effective sales funnel is a critical foundation to keep your Facebook ads budget manageable.


Facebook ads are part of an overall marketing strategy. Results improve over time, not only within an individual campaign but over the long haul of ongoing Facebook ad marketing. Start where you can in terms of budget and resources, test, incorporate results, and continue. The more you map out your strategy over time, the better your results and ability to adjust your budget for maximum Return On Investment (ROI).

What are your considerations for budgeting your Facebook ads? Are there places you need more support? How else can I help? Let me know in the comments and I’ll answer in a future post

My Video Wishlist for Clients

In the Facebook ad world, there’s nothing more important than engaging an audience right off the bat — and that’s why I am absolutely obsessed with video content. See, video content is one of the very best tools you have to show off your face (people like to see human beings!), encourage clicks, and stop the scroll.

So, here’s my question: are you using video content in your Facebook ads for launching? Heck yes, right?! And, if not… why not?

I get that trying something new (especially if it involves your face) can seem super overwhelming, so I’m sharing the exact video wishlist I send to all of my clients when they start their ad campaigns — because, guess what? You’ve got this… and your business will be allll the better for it.

But first: here’s what you need to know about video content

Testing video is a MUST these days when it comes to Facebook ads, and I can absolutely promise you that it doesn’t have to feel like a super difficult, stressful thing, either! Instead, it can be super low-key and natural.

I promise.

The trick? Just do it. Every algorithm is putting a big prioritization on video content these days, and that includes ads. By testing videos (literally just selfie videos shot on your iPhone are FINE!), you can hack the algorithm and get your ads seen — and clicked on — by more people.

My Video Wishlist for Client Launches

When my clients sign on to start running ads for new launches and campaigns (!!! so exciting!) we request a bunch of data, messaging, and images — and I also have a wishlist of dream video content for my clients to send, too. When I can get my hands on all of these different short videos, my team and I are able to really uplevel launches… and make more money. 

Here’s the video wishlist I send over whenever we’re launching:

Webinar/Challenge Ads:

  1. Overview of teachings/content
  2. Pain points and results
  3. Geared towards colder audiences so you can introduce yourself and your mission

IGS: 15 sec long, vertical

Call to Action – Swipe up to join while you still can

Feeds: 1 min or less, square placement, so likely horizontal

Call to Action – Click the link to sign up


Cart Open

  1. Doors are finally open!
  2. Hit on any fast-action bonuses available
  3. Pain points and results – the sales page is perfect to pull from!
  4. Geared towards warm audiences so they’ll know you

IGS: 15 sec long, vertical

Call to Action – Swipe up to join the membership/course/etc.

Feeds: 1 min or less, square placement, so likely horizontal

Call to Action – Click the link to learn more


Cart Close

  1. Pain points and results
  2. Promote urgency! Doors are closing soon, join while you still can
  3. Geared towards warm audiences so they’ll know you

IGS: 15 sec long, vertical

Call to Action – Swipe up to join the membership

Feeds: 1 min or less, square placement, so likely horizontal

Call to Action – Click the link to learn more


Cart Close – Final Day

  1. It’s your LAST DAY to join!
  2. What are you waiting for? Sense of urgency
  3. Geared towards warm audiences so they’ll know you

IGS: 15 sec long, vertical

Call to Action – Swipe up to join the membership

Feeds: 1 min or less, square placement, so likely horizontal

Call to Action – Click the link to learn more

Paired with this arsenal of videos and a rock-solid strategy, you can completely and totally rock your launch… and I know you can do it. Need some help? You know where to find me!

Biggest Lessons

Biggest Lessons

Ah, entrepreneurship — a massive part of my life, an important part of my life, and a really beautiful part of my life. I got into the online business world to create my own dream life — and I’ve been fortunate enough to build a business where I get to work with incredible clients, work on incredible projects, and work in a way that lets me live my life like I want.

However, this online business I’ve built isn’t always easy to manage. There have been lots of lessons I’ve learned over the years (and lots of lessons I will learn again), and there have been ups and downs, too. 

But, guess what? We’re so, so lucky.

I know so many people — including my family and friends — who work corporate jobs that leave them depleted and exhausted and… well, bored. And, while I know that the corporate life is totally a good thing for a lot of people, I know that I didn’t want that — and that you probably don’t, either. 

I always think that it’s so important to come back to how freakin’ lucky we are to own businesses we love, huh? Makes all of the lessons so, so worth it.

The Biggest Lessons I’ve Learned from Running an Online Business

Today I wanted to share a few of the lessons I’ve learned from running an online business — and I hope that if you’re starting your own business (or own one already), that this will help you out, too.

First up — work/life balance is so much more than a calendar that’s split equally. I’ve learned over the years that viewing work/life balance as an ever-shifting work/life harmony is so much better than trying to seek an elusive balance that really isn’t always going to be there. 

By leaning into the harmony of it all, and finding the ebb and flow, I’ve been able to enjoy my life AND my work more. Sometimes that means soaking up extra family time and renovation time in slow seasons, and sometimes that means burning the midnight oil during the busy ones.

It’s beautiful either way.

And that brings me to one of the biggest lessons and challenges I’ve had as an online business owner — knowing when to step away from the work. As a business owner it can be hard to set boundaries anyways. But, as an online business owner, sometimes it feels like I’m too available all the time.

I’ve learned that there are times that I genuinely feel like I’ve had enough — whether it’s my mind, my body, or my emotions — and I listen to that. I close the computer, I step away, and I take a break. Sometimes that’s by sitting in the sun, sometimes it’s by doing a quick yoga sesh, sometimes it’s by grabbing a bite to eat, and sometimes it’s simply shutting my eyes.

Knowing when to step away has also made me more conscious of when I can step in, too. I love looking for pockets of time during the day to work, even though they might not feel typical or super WFH-y. For instance, I take and pick up my kids from school, which is something I love doing and consciously choose to do. However, that means that I spend lots of time in the car line — which is why I often bring my computer and work while I’m in it.

Win, win.

I’m also a big believer in three lessons that I think everyone should follow as an online business owner — diversifying income, keeping an eye on numbers, and hiring good people. By looking for ways to add income without adding time to your business, you can make WAY more — and by getting yourself a bookkeeper who helps you know your numbers (hello Steadfast Bookkeeping, I love you), you can be WAY more strategic about it. Add a team that you love (I love the mantra ‘hire before you’re ready, cut ‘em loose if it’s not working), and you’ve cracked the code.


And, there ya have it — the lessons I’ve really taken to heart in my online business. What are yours?