Don’t Make These Pinterest Ad Mistakes

Don’t Make These Pinterest Ad Mistakes

One of my VERY favorite things as an ads agency owner is when my clients get to advertise with creativity. After all, that’s what makes it all fun — and it’s why I love Pinterest ads. Pinterest is such an incredible place to grow your business with like-minded people who want to be BETTER…

…and it’s also a top-tier way to reach a really, really aligned audience.

However, advertising on Pinterest comes with its own set of best practices. To really succeed and lower your cost-per-lead, you’re going to want to avoid these Pinterest ad mistakes.

4 Pinterest ad mistakes you might be making

Mistake #1: You’re going too broad.
One of the biggest mistakes I see people make with Pinterest ads is actually a pretty simple one — AKA, not targeting a narrow enough audience. This saturates your ad with a ton of content from others and makes it expensive to land the clients and customers you’re looking for.
To succeed with Pinterest ads, make sure you’re using Pinterest’s interest categories and taking advantage of its detailed targeting options. Wondering what this means? On Pinterest, you can target based on:

  • Audiences
  • Actalike audiences (similar to Meta’s lookalike audiences)
  • Interests
  • Keywords
  • Demographics (gender, age, location, language, device)
  • Ad placement

Plus, you can make this easy by setting up targeting templates and utilizing your insights. Here are some good tips from our pals at Pinterest!

Mistake #2: You’re not tailoring your SEO or CTAs the right way.
In its own unique way, Pinterest really does act like a search engine — and it follows search engine logic for its users.

I’m going to give you a really simple example here to spark your imagination. Just think about it: if you’re looking for an apple crisp recipe, what are you going to look for?

(Correct. You’re going to search for an apple crisp recipe.)

Now, if you’re a food blogger trying to push ads to your apple crisp recipe, you wouldn’t caption it “Delicious dessert! Tap the link to try.” Instead, you’d caption it “Try this delicious apple crisp recipe! It’s a low-sugar, easy dessert that can be made in 20 minutes.” That way, you’d attract views from those looking for apple crisps AND from those looking for low-sugar, easy desserts.

It’s truly SEO, baby. Those tiny, strategic details — read: keywords — can really impact performance.

At the same time, you don’t want an audience to be confused about what to do once they click on your ad. Your CTAs need to be strong — with actionable steps — in order to work.

(They also need to be followed by solid landing pages or funnels. Just sayin.’)

Mistake #3: You’re setting unrealistic budget expectations.
Setting an ad budget can be really frustrating — especially when you’re already seeing success on another platform. I see this a lot with Pinterest specifically, since it tends to cost more per lead than things like Meta (especially at first).

However, trust me here: you just need to give it some time! Pinterest tends to learn slowly compared to some platforms — it typically takes up to a month to really optimize an ad. Monitor your performance closely and adjust as you go, but resist starting with a really low budget. You won’t get the results you want that way.

Mistake #4: You’re forgetting about consistency.
Pinterest is an example of a platform that functions best off of consistent, fresh content… and consistency is absolutely key in seeing results from your ads. Continue pinning new content, regularly launch campaigns, and stay agile with performance adjustments as you go. The more you experiment, play around, and try new results, the more ROI you’ll see.

At the end of the day, every single platform has its quirks — and running ads online can be tricky. However, I have lots of experience around these parts… and I can promise you that fixing these mistakes will help you to absolutely accelerate your Pinterest ad performance.

You’ve got this, friend.

And, as always, I’m here to help ya.

Organic Growth > Viral Growth: Here’s Why

Organic Growth > Viral Growth: Here’s Why

In the social media world, going viral seems like it would be THE gold standard.

Just imagine… millions of views? Millions of likes?

Can’t you imagine the impact it could have on your business?!

Well, I have some news: it’s not usually as easy as that. While millions of views and likes are fun (and validating), they don’t typically lead to much higher engagement. If you’ve experienced a post go viral on social media, you probably know what I’m talking about. Once the hype settles down, you’re most likely going to have the same community as you did before — or a slightly larger one that may even be less engaged.

It’s why I’m a HUGE proponent over here of organic growth. In fact, it’s why — as an ad agency owner — I almost insist that my clients run purely community-focused ads (engagement ads) online alongside their conversion-focused ads.

After all, your PEOPLE are what matters. And, at the end of the day, your buyers are a group of people cultivated over time. See, at least most of the time, a brand-new follower isn’t the one buying from you. Instead, your plugged-in, loyal-to-you audience members are.

Something to think about, huh?

How to future-proof your business with organic growth
As the news (hello, TikTok…) is constantly showing us all, putting proof in singular apps and viral videos just isn’t the way to ensure success. Instead, you can future-proof (and viral-proof!) your business by focusing on consistent lead generation, boosting your engagement rates, and creating content you’d love.

THAT is how organic growth happens. Let’s talk about it.

First up? Make sure leads are something you’re constantly generating — not just something you’re relying on random social media numbers for. If you’re wondering how you have a TON of options. Promise! You can run ads on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest (hellooo), you can pour time into your email list, and you can make consistency your middle name. These are all things we recommend to our clients over here because they WORK. So, here’s your homework: choose a lead generation strategy to focus on! Here are some ideas:

  • Create a weekly newsletter
  • Run ads on Meta
  • Run ads on Pinterest
  • Level up your website SEO with long-form content
  • Show your face on Instagram stories
  • Re-do your email marketing funnels

Then, start thinking about — and working to improve — your engagement rates. The thing is, followers don’t equal buyers… but engagement DOES. And, in the simplest terms, this either means you’re connecting with your audience or you’re not. When you do connect with your audience by creating impeccable content, you’re so much more likely to grow a loyal following who will engage…

…and buy.

An easy way to do this is by simply giving a litmus test to your content creation (and your ads) with these questions:

  1. Does this align with the audience that I have?
  2. Am I showing up consistently already, or does this seem random?
  3. Would I like this content? Would I follow me?
  4. Am I clearly answering the questions I would have about this?

Once you’ve answered “YES” to all of the above and started doing it consistently, you’ve unlocked a winning organic growth strategy.

Sound simple? It’s because, well, it IS.
See, we love to complicate social media. We love to give things like virality WAY more attention than they deserve. And, don’t get me wrong here — the algorithm can be tricky. Engagement isn’t always easy to create. But when you focus on future-proofing your business by focusing on PEOPLE, you’re in a way better spot.

And I, for one, can’t wait to watch it.

All Things Advantage Plus

All Things Advantage Plus

Something I love? When Meta tries to make life easier, especially with (thoughtful!) AI tools.

Something I love a little more? Make sure that we approach these things with a healthy dose of caution before diving in.

Lemme explain.

See, we are pretty deep in the era of AI here— and this era isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It’s time to lean in. I’m very here for that and have leaned in in a whole myriad of ways.

Enter: Meta’s AI tools, which are a perfect example of this.

It’s why I’m a big fan of most of what Advantage+ (or Advantage Plus) offers. For those who aren’t knee-deep in the ads world at all times, Advantage+ is Meta’s suite of all things AI. These are tools designed to simplify ad management, optimize performance, and (in theory) make marketers’ lives much easier.

But, here’s the catch. While there’s a lot to love about Advantage+, it’s not ALL sunshine and ROI.

Let’s chat about it.

First up, here’s why Advantage+ is (mostly) worth the hype:
When it comes to the value props of Advantage+, Meta really does have something good going on. Think…

… smarter targeting that identifies your ideal audience faster.
… custom creative that’s tailored to individual users.
… real-time optimization that tweaks performance as it learns.

All of these features are a GOOD thing, sure — especially if you’re a busy entrepreneur without a team.

But, here’s a reality check: use Advantage+ with caution
See, here’s where things get tricky. Honestly, AI is only as good as the data it has on the exact hand. It doesn’t have context, or know you, or know your audience on a different level. Since it operates on data and not intuition, it lacks human nuance — and this means that sometimes, it can make some, well, questionable decisions and suggestions.

Here’s what that might mean:

  • Adding bright, off-brand colors to your creative
  • Picking music that doesn’t match your brand’s vibe
  • Tweaking messaging to something that doesn’t feel like you (because it’s not!)
  • Flipping images upside down in a way that’s more… chaos than cleverness

So… should you use Advantage+?
It’s an absolute YES… but you have to do it the smart way. These AI tools like Advantage+ are very much here to stay and will continue to get better, but that doesn’t mean you should blindly trust them out of the gate (or blindly trust them EVER…).

Wondering how to use Advantage+ the right way?
Test! Start small when it comes to the AI features, let it actually learn what works for you AND your audience, and allow it to learn slowly. That’s how it will pull in a bit more context for you, and it will also allow YOU to see the suggestions a bit more clearly. And, more importantly, keep your proven strategies in play! Don’t abandon your Lookalike Audiences or warm audiences JUST because AI is new and shiny and seems perfect.

Start experimenting with Advantage+ today, but remember: the best campaigns combine AI’s efficiency with YOUR knowledge and incredible expertise.

The trick is to guide the tools SO they can guide you. You’ve got this.

2024 Recap: Facebook Ads Edition

2024 Recap: Facebook Ads Edition

Y’all, we’ve (almost) done it — we’ve almost made it through 2024!

*happy dance*

And, let’s be honest: a LOT has happened this year. In a year of AI innovations, elections, new tech, and beyond, there’s been something to look at, try, or test every single time we turn our heads.

But, guess what? That’s the kind of year that creates big-time growth.

Come along with us for a recap of 2024 Facebook ads innovation — and then let’s start thinking ahead to 2025!

Facebook ads: what changed in 2024?
When it comes to ads, Meta is always on the front of innovation — and 2024 was no different. From boosting targeting capabilities to allowing for more personalization, we saw a lot of changes for the better this year.

Here are some of our favorite 2024 Facebook ad level-ups:

  • The embrace of AI: If “artificial intelligence” isn’t TIME’s word of the year, I’m confused. Honestly, after all, AI has been a HUGE part of this year’s tech reckoning, and Facebook ads are no different. This year, Meta added AI-powered ad tools into the ad platform… and we’re obsessed. Now, you can edit images, customize text, create variations, forecast performance, and so much more. It’s been a game-changer for efficiency, for ad spend, and for overall ad performance.
  • More personalization opportunities: The internet is a crowded place, and people NEED to feel like something is meant for them — which is why the fact that Facebook has leaned into personalization makes SUCH a big difference. This year, we saw the ability to lean heavily into audience preferences with a big uptick in dynamic ad capabilities — meaning that you can customize ads in real-time, make audience-centric adjustments, and even tailor them to the seasons. Yes, please!
  • Deeper insights: As an FB ads agency, we’re (obviously) always looking for more data — and so are our clients! Updates to the Audience Insights dashboard have given us all a much deeper capability into data dives, which we’re all obsessed with. You can now see enhanced behavior tracking, predictive analytics, privacy-focused insights, and so much more. This has been key for optimizing budgets and improving ROI.

Some top System Envy moments
While the Metadata wizards have been spinning up new things, so have we! This has been a campaign-heavy year (packed with some BIG results), and we’ve had an infinite amount of fun trying different platforms, shaking up our strategies, and helping our clients make their biggest dreams come true.

Here are a few of our top moments and practices:

  • Obsessing over Pinterest: Our entire team has been biggggg fans of  Pinterest forever and ever, and we really embraced the Pinterest ad game this year! And, trust us here — if you haven’t tried Pinterest ads, you’re going to want to! Data shows that over 80% of Pinterest users have made a purchase based on their Pins before, and the longevity is insane. (Wondering what we mean? The average Pin is re-pinned 11 times, which points to how long its reach can grow!) Here’s what we’ve learned this year.
  • Making $1.4M for our new client: We have so much fun with every single client launch we support (I mean, hello… we have the best clients EVER!), but we really can’t stop thinking about one of the launches that we started with last year and re-did this year. Long story short? We helped get a 725%+ return on ad spend for a whopping $1.4 million return on investment! This was a course launch for a brand new course and involved a quickfire engagement strategy AND launch strategy to work. You can learn more about it our first go-round here!
  • Dipping our toes in the TikTok water: Leaning into the TikTok ads game was a huge priority for us this year, and it’s one we’re really glad to have leaned into. Likely, TikTok is going to be a huge moneymaker — especially for younger audiences — for quite a while. By taking the leap this year, we’ve been able to prime our clients for some big successes. Here’s what you need to know.

And, guys… we have to be honest with you — all of the above is BARELY even scratching the surface. This year has been huge, and we know next year will be, too.

We just can’t WAIT for it! Let’s do it together, yeah?

Adding Seasonality to Your Facebook Ads… Without the Cheese

Adding Seasonality to Your Facebook Ads… Without the Cheese

Guys, ‘tis the season!

Specifically, ‘tis the season for mistletoe, gingerbread, snow (unless you’re with me in Georgia), community, family, and all things holiday…

…and it’s THE most fun part of the year. I mean, come on — whether you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or just the vibes, there’s something extra special in the air.

But, holiday vibes aren’t the only good thing about this season. See, if we’re being honest, I can’t leave out one of the big, big things that this season brings for entrepreneurs: ample opportunities for SALES, engagement, and launching.

After all, it’s called the biggest shopping season of the year for a reason. People are online at this time, and they’re actively buying a lot of things. At the same time, they’re getting ready for a new year — which is why so many of my clients see a boost in purchases post-Christmas.

Enter one of the biggest questions I get this time of year.


How do I make my ads seasonal… without being cheesy?

While sticking out online is always important, there’s something a little bit MORE important about sticking out this time of year. People are so inundated by ads, campaigns, and gift guides that it can be really, really easy to fade into the background — or, worse, to seem disingenuous or cold.

It’s why incorporating seasonality into your ads intentionally (and subtly!) can make such a difference.

Let’s talk about how you can do it.


4 ways to use seasonality in Facebook ads


Add holiday-esque elements to your creative: If there was a particularly well-branded season, it would be the holiday season — so lean into it! Utilize different color palettes (from the typical red & green to warm midnight blues and jewel tones), incorporate textures like glitter or snow, and sprinkle in subtle seasonal icons in your imagery and video creative. This allows your ads to stick out as timely and festive without feeling overtly obvious, allowing them to stand out in crowded feeds.

Stay inclusive: You may be celebrating Christmas or Hannukah, but your audience likely spans a variety of traditions — or none at all! While seasonal focus is a good thing this time of year, don’t accidentally alienate important members of your audience. Instead, be sure to open up your ads to everyone by testing with a variety of inclusions — and balance secular holiday vibes (think: cozy winter scenes) with subtle nods to different ones.

Weave seasonal opportunities to your copy: Your copy is one of the easiest (and most effective) places to weave in a seasonal message — whether it’s a lighthearted pun or a celebratory tone… Play around with a variety of ad copy that includes a medley of holiday emojis, text, and messaging styles… and pay attention to what your community seems to be resonating with.

Utilize the holidays as built-in time constraints: Timeliness is often a huge piece of successful ads, and the holiday season is all about time. Whether it’s a countdown to gifting deadlines or the thought of a New Year reset, people are naturally aware of the ticking clock. Use this to your advantage by testing a variety of messaging that plays with limited-time offers, New Year countdowns, year-end specials, and beyond.

My friends, you’ve got this! The holiday season is such a unique time to connect with your audience — and these tips are built to help you do so inclusively, intentionally, and effectively.

I can’t wait for you to put it all to use!

Running Ads on TikTok: What You Need to Know

Running Ads on TikTok: What You Need to Know

One of the coolest things about running an ads agency these days is the sheer amount of places there are to, well, run ads. Back in the earlier days of digital advertising, FB, website banners, and search engines were really the place to go — and these days, there are tons of options to play around with… like TikTok.

Now, I will say that we don’t advertise on everything over here. Meta is our bread and butter, and we’ve gotten into Pinterest, too — but with over 900 million daily active users (!!!), it would be insane to say that TikTok isn’t a massively important — and opportunity-filled — platform.

It’s why we’ve been having lots of fun lately (and driving lots of results!) as we test it out.

So, here’s the Q: what do you need to know about TikTok ads? I’ve got you.


First up: getting started with TikTok ads

Tiktok makes it pretty simple to run ads, and has an Ads Manager that’s pretty intuitive for creating and managing your campaigns. The targeting is fairly robust for how new it is, and you can create lookalike audiences or segment by demographics, behavior, and the like. 

Most of the time, in-feed ads are going to be your best bet for selling an offer — but TikTok does have other options for advertiser content, too. You can purchase brand takeover ads, try out custom branded effects, and test unique engagement opps — but regardless, I always recommend keeping your ads concise, impactful, and fun. There’s also a big push on TikTok to consume and create trending content, so have fun leaning into trending sounds and effects when appropriate, too!

However, here’s a warning: commenters go a little rogue on TikTok, which can be stressful to keep an eye on. I hiiiiighly recommend that you have someone monitoring comments any time you run a TT ad. If they happen to get too spicy, restart the ad. 


A look inside our client’s experience advertising on TikTok

Now, you’re probably wondering… do TikTok ads work? In short, YES. In fact, here’s a little mini case study from one of our clients. This client was in the 3rd year of one of her launches, and so we all felt like it was a good time to diversify her ad spend and crank up the dollars. She had a +$300K ad budget (which is huge!), and we spent $48K of it testing on TikTok.

The videos we tested were all 30-second videos, all with short ad copy.  We uploaded audience lists to build our lookalike audiences and to retarget, and then we went for it! With that $48K, we ended up getting 23,000 leads for her free training — and those free training TikTok leads led to 148 sales on a $997 course. This, my friends, was a 300% return on ad spend… and it was just our first time trying!  

So, friends, whaddya think? Are TikTok ads something you’re thinking about trying? We’re always here to support you — and you can bet that we’ll always tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Let’s Talk Pinterest Ads

Let’s Talk Pinterest Ads

Here recently, we’ve become big, big fans of Pinterest ads. As a suuuuuper visual (and truly inspiring) platform, Pinterest is such an ideal, highly-engaged platform for advertising — and the targeting potential, longevity, and traffic-driving options it has make it a big favorite.

And, as Pinterest LOVERS over here, we want to share the wealth — AKA, talk about why, exactly, Pinterest ads should be next to try on your ad strategy.

Lets dive in.

Wondering why you should try Pinterest ads?
There are a LOT of reasons, but some of our favorite reasons to try Pinterest ads are:

  • It’s mobile heavy: Over 85% of Pinterest searches are done on mobile, making it the best for reaching online shoppers.
  • Longevity, longevity: Unlike ads that disappear into the stratosphere, Pinterest Pins can last a little longer — the average Pin is repinned 11 times, which means its reach continues to grow.
  • People are open to new things: As an inspiration and visuals-first platform, Pinterest has users that are looking for new brands and new ideas — meaning that 97% of searches are unbranded, giving a LOT of opportunity to sneak on in.
  • Pinners love to purchase: Data from Pinterest shows that close to 83% of weekly users have made purchases based on their Pins — and data from Shopify shows that the average order value from Pinterest traffic is $50.

How to get started with Pinterest ads
Laying the groundwork for a new ad account is always a liiiiittle overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be — promise. To get started, you’ll need to create a Business account on Pinterest (you can create a new one or convert your existing personal account). Then, install the Pinterest Tag code on your site to make sure you can track any actions.

When you start running ads on Pinterest, you can choose objectives for your campaign that align with your goals — which include awareness, engagement, video views, conversions, and the like. Then, define your audience (Pinterest allows you to create Lookalike Audiences!), create your ad group, and start running ads. Boom!

The actual ad process is very similar to any other type of ads you’ve run (AKA, on Facebook), and Pinterest has really robust analytics and creative options to analyze as you go.

Something to know about Pinterest ads
When it comes to Pinterest, you are very likely going to see a higher CPL (cost-per-lead) than you’re used to. However, you can also see a really HUGE return with a lot of potential — and it’s because Pinterest users tend to be more intentional, more eager to learn, and actively searching for results that your offer can give. 

Take some numbers from a recent client launch we facilitated on Pinterest:

  • FB/IG cost per lead: $0.70
  • Pinterest cost per lead: $1.70 
  • FB/IG ROAS: 266.28%
  • Pinterest ROAS: 1374.12% (!)

A little more expensive? Sure. A major level up in results? Heck yes.

So, there you have it friends — a little primer on Pinterest ads for ya! I can’t wait to see you start implementing Pinterest ads into your strategy AND to see you start driving some insane results.

You’ve got this.

Let’s Talk Story Ads

Let’s Talk Story Ads

Let’s be real here… are there many things better than an Instagram Story?!

(We think… no?!)

I mean, come on. What’s more fun than a little morning tap-through session of coffee pours, business advice, and funny memes?

But, guess what? It’s even better than you’d think… AKA, Stories are phenomenal from a BUSINESS perspective. 

In fact, data shows that over 500 million people use IG Stories daily — and ⅓ of the most viewed IG Stories are from business accounts.

That’s why running ads on Instagram Stories should be an absolute no-brainer for your business, friends.

Why you should run Story ads

A huge goal for business owners (AKA, you!) should always be to advertise in the most natural, aligned ways possible — and that’s where the Story ad placement comes into play. Focusing on the story graphic just as much as the square for the newsfeed is so important! Since they live in the same ecosystem of the beloved Stories your audience is already tapping through, they’re a seamlessly integrated vehicle for your own objectives. 

It’s the best.

Plus, they drive a TON of engagement — and data from Meta actually shows that ⅕ of organic stories already drive DMs from viewers. It just makes sense that being able to occupy that same real estate, especially as a trusted business targeting the right audience, is a 10/10 idea for your goals.

What to post in Story ads

To be really effective with Story ads, you’re going to want to lean into the exact thing that makes Stories so fun to engage with — AKA, the real-life, seamless aspect that your audience already looks for.

Here are some ideas:

  • Lifestyle-esque content ideas that showcase your offer
  • Launch teasers
  • Highlight promotions of your existing content
  • Influencer collaborations and UGC content
  • Quizzes
  • Tutorials or short teaching snippets

Use Social Proof: Showing a behind-the-scenes look at real results (think receipts and $$$) or testimonials (the more organic the better! Even screenshots of DM’s and messages can work really well).

Talk Scarcity: “Time is running out”, “There are [X] spots left!” etc. works well for stories because they are so timely and this kind of messaging easily stops the thumbtap.

Get Emotional: The “why” is SO important behind your brand, course, product, and what have you. Why did you create something so amazing? Bring the user along the journey with you to better illustrate your story.

Once you’ve built up a repertoire of top-of-the-funnel Story ads that connect well to your audience, you can start implementing strategic sales slides, too — especially for your webinars, bonuses, and limited-time offers.

Plus, to make it even easier, follow copy frameworks like this:

Webinar ads
Join me LIVE to learn how to [transformation]!

Cart open
[big image]

Bonus offers

The world of ads is one that can be so, so seamlessly integrated into your daily content strategy, friends… and Story ad placements are really the BEST way to get you there. I’m always here for any questions!

What to keep in mind with Story ads

When you’re posting Story ads, I’d always, always recommend focusing on a few things: It’s all about the visuals! It’s a small space for text so be mindful of clear and direct messaging.

Branded colors and texts (brand awareness matters!), eye-catching font sizes and placements, and clear CTAs. This allows your Story ads to feel like part of the tapping journey rather than, well… an ad.

Need some inspo?

Here are some examples from our incredible clients:

Our Guide to Batching Reels & TikToks Online

Our Guide to Batching Reels & TikToks Online

Content creation is an essential piece of the business owner puzzle… Especially when it comes to rocking your Facebook ads strategy. After all, if you’re not creating content — specifically through video content like Reels and TikToks — you’re not going to be able to keep an audience engaged, much less build one that’s going to regularly buy from you.

Here’s the thing, though: content creation takes forever. In fact, it kind of feels like a never-ending wheel of things to do, huh? (Yup.)

Well, the key to making it easier is through batching Reels and TikToks — AKA, creating multiple videos at once instead of just creating them one by one as you have time. 

Why batching Reels & TikToks is so effective

When you batch, you can get a LOT more efficient with your creation. Instead of dealing with a myriad of other tasks, you can zone in on one thing — which makes all the difference in your time management and your level of focus. Plus, batching Reels & TikToks leads you to more consistency in your creation through everything from your lighting and tone to your style, edit, and level of energy.

And, more importantly than anything else, batching your content goes hand in hand with a strategy in ways that other content creation can’t. Since you’re zoning in on creation for a specific period of time, you have to create and move forward with a plan… and that makes all the difference in the actual longevity of your content, too.

Our favorite tips for batching Reels & TikToks

So, are you ready to start batching? (Heck yes, right?!) Here are some of our favorite tips:

Get inspo from people you admire: It can feel really hard to come up with a zillion ideas for new Reels & TikToks, which is why it can be really effective and helpful to scope out some inspo from your follows and the internet as a whole. Spend a while screenshotting and saving styles you love, getting inspiration for caption ideas, and starting to pay attention to what really ignites your interest. However, make sure not to get so knee-deep in comparison that you hang yourself up that way! (Been there.)

Plan it all out: To batch your content, you have to have a plan — which can seem really overwhelming. To ease the stress of batching Reels & TikToks, focus on planning out your funnel from engagement to freebie to offer. 

In your engagement planning, focus on inspiring, funny, personal, and educational content that aligns with your brand and really speaks to your audience. Once you start moving into the lead magnet and freebie sections of your funnel, start focusing big-time on benefits, personal stories, and results that really put your audience at the center of the puzzle. When it comes time to sell your offer, you can dial up the scarcity and urgency alongside more results and education.


And then, once you’ve batched out your content (woohoo!), start slotting it into an ads strategy for some serious results. Follow along on our blog for more inspo whenever you need it! 

Tools and Software We’re Loving: 2024 Edition

Tools and Software We’re Loving: 2024 Edition

At System Envy, we love a tool and a system.

(Shocking, right? System Envy living up to its name?)

But, we love a little tools and systems recap juuuuust as much as we love a system — and our team is obsessed with seeing what other small businesses are using, too. It’s been a while since we did a roundup of our favorite tools and software, and it’s changed a little since.

So today, we’re sharing a dive into the things that keep our clients happy, our business running, our funnel sending, and our analytics calculating.

But first, here’s why we’re NEVER opposed to switching things up.

The thing is, businesses change, tech changes, and priorities change — and that means that the tools and software we used back in 2005 aren’t going to be the same ones we use now. (Like, come on… none of us are still using AIM to instant message, are we?! Nope.)

However, I know from firsthand experience how hard it can be to try out new tools and software… especially when something’s working. So, here’s my advice: While I don’t recommend changing things JUST to change them, I also don’t recommend refusing to change in the name of sticking with routine. New technological advances and new steps in business are just waiting for you on the side of a little bit of fear, okay? Promise.

Tools and Software We’re Loving: 2024 Edition

From GSuire and Asana to Flodesk, WordPress, and Funnel Gorgeous, here are our go-to tools and software these days. 

GSuite: When it comes to GSuite, we love it all — Docs, Slides, Sheets, Gmail, you name it. Why? Because reporting software, um… just didn’t do it for us. I guess you can call us old school, but it’s way easier, way more effective, and WAY more sensible for our clients to report via GSuite. 

We tried the fancy Google Data Studios, but the plug-in wouldn’t work and the data broke over and over again, which was so frustrating. While it would definitely be really helpful for very straightforwardly data-driven businesses or straight lead gen or e-commerce businesses, it wasn’t helpful for us. Even with the fancy graphs and tables, it just never felt as streamlined or useful as a Google Sheet.

Asana: Guys, we could sing the promise of Asana forever and ever and ever. It’s been our favorite tool for a long time, and we can’t imagine it NOT being a favorite. Basically, it’s our project manager… and it’s grown as we have. We use it to plan, create, and schedule content, manage client projects, define ad campaigns, and SO. MUCH MORE.

10/10 recommend.

Funnel Gorgeous: After several years with another funnel software, we reworked allllll of our email funnels last year into FG Funnels, also known as Funnel Gorgeous Funnels. This is an all-in-one funnel builder that’s A) gorgeous (obviously) and B) really easy to use. Plus, it does everything from template design to automation.

Flodesk: Ah, Flodesk. If you want to send beautiful, on-brand emails, Flodesk is your bestie… just like it is to us. While we don’t do our heavy-lifting funnels through Flodesk, we do utilize it often for landing pages, newsletters, and the like. There are so many easy-to-use features, it’s SO intuitive, and it has a pretty robust ability for segmenting. Plus, it’s SO inexpensive.

WordPress: There are a lot of options for website building, but we just really still love WordPress. There’s really nothing like it in terms of blog capability and function, ease, and resources — and since it’s been around for so long, the kinks are worked out. Plus, the plug-in options are endless.

Our System Envy tech stack is simple, but she’s effective… and we’re big fans. However, we’re always open to any suggestions. Do you have any favorites we’re not taking advantage of?