Don’t Make These Pinterest Ad Mistakes

Don’t Make These Pinterest Ad Mistakes

One of my VERY favorite things as an ads agency owner is when my clients get to advertise with creativity. After all, that’s what makes it all fun — and it’s why I love Pinterest ads. Pinterest is such an incredible place to grow your business with like-minded people who want to be BETTER…

…and it’s also a top-tier way to reach a really, really aligned audience.

However, advertising on Pinterest comes with its own set of best practices. To really succeed and lower your cost-per-lead, you’re going to want to avoid these Pinterest ad mistakes.

4 Pinterest ad mistakes you might be making

Mistake #1: You’re going too broad.
One of the biggest mistakes I see people make with Pinterest ads is actually a pretty simple one — AKA, not targeting a narrow enough audience. This saturates your ad with a ton of content from others and makes it expensive to land the clients and customers you’re looking for.
To succeed with Pinterest ads, make sure you’re using Pinterest’s interest categories and taking advantage of its detailed targeting options. Wondering what this means? On Pinterest, you can target based on:

  • Audiences
  • Actalike audiences (similar to Meta’s lookalike audiences)
  • Interests
  • Keywords
  • Demographics (gender, age, location, language, device)
  • Ad placement

Plus, you can make this easy by setting up targeting templates and utilizing your insights. Here are some good tips from our pals at Pinterest!

Mistake #2: You’re not tailoring your SEO or CTAs the right way.
In its own unique way, Pinterest really does act like a search engine — and it follows search engine logic for its users.

I’m going to give you a really simple example here to spark your imagination. Just think about it: if you’re looking for an apple crisp recipe, what are you going to look for?

(Correct. You’re going to search for an apple crisp recipe.)

Now, if you’re a food blogger trying to push ads to your apple crisp recipe, you wouldn’t caption it “Delicious dessert! Tap the link to try.” Instead, you’d caption it “Try this delicious apple crisp recipe! It’s a low-sugar, easy dessert that can be made in 20 minutes.” That way, you’d attract views from those looking for apple crisps AND from those looking for low-sugar, easy desserts.

It’s truly SEO, baby. Those tiny, strategic details — read: keywords — can really impact performance.

At the same time, you don’t want an audience to be confused about what to do once they click on your ad. Your CTAs need to be strong — with actionable steps — in order to work.

(They also need to be followed by solid landing pages or funnels. Just sayin.’)

Mistake #3: You’re setting unrealistic budget expectations.
Setting an ad budget can be really frustrating — especially when you’re already seeing success on another platform. I see this a lot with Pinterest specifically, since it tends to cost more per lead than things like Meta (especially at first).

However, trust me here: you just need to give it some time! Pinterest tends to learn slowly compared to some platforms — it typically takes up to a month to really optimize an ad. Monitor your performance closely and adjust as you go, but resist starting with a really low budget. You won’t get the results you want that way.

Mistake #4: You’re forgetting about consistency.
Pinterest is an example of a platform that functions best off of consistent, fresh content… and consistency is absolutely key in seeing results from your ads. Continue pinning new content, regularly launch campaigns, and stay agile with performance adjustments as you go. The more you experiment, play around, and try new results, the more ROI you’ll see.

At the end of the day, every single platform has its quirks — and running ads online can be tricky. However, I have lots of experience around these parts… and I can promise you that fixing these mistakes will help you to absolutely accelerate your Pinterest ad performance.

You’ve got this, friend.

And, as always, I’m here to help ya.

Organic Growth > Viral Growth: Here’s Why

Organic Growth > Viral Growth: Here’s Why

In the social media world, going viral seems like it would be THE gold standard.

Just imagine… millions of views? Millions of likes?

Can’t you imagine the impact it could have on your business?!

Well, I have some news: it’s not usually as easy as that. While millions of views and likes are fun (and validating), they don’t typically lead to much higher engagement. If you’ve experienced a post go viral on social media, you probably know what I’m talking about. Once the hype settles down, you’re most likely going to have the same community as you did before — or a slightly larger one that may even be less engaged.

It’s why I’m a HUGE proponent over here of organic growth. In fact, it’s why — as an ad agency owner — I almost insist that my clients run purely community-focused ads (engagement ads) online alongside their conversion-focused ads.

After all, your PEOPLE are what matters. And, at the end of the day, your buyers are a group of people cultivated over time. See, at least most of the time, a brand-new follower isn’t the one buying from you. Instead, your plugged-in, loyal-to-you audience members are.

Something to think about, huh?

How to future-proof your business with organic growth
As the news (hello, TikTok…) is constantly showing us all, putting proof in singular apps and viral videos just isn’t the way to ensure success. Instead, you can future-proof (and viral-proof!) your business by focusing on consistent lead generation, boosting your engagement rates, and creating content you’d love.

THAT is how organic growth happens. Let’s talk about it.

First up? Make sure leads are something you’re constantly generating — not just something you’re relying on random social media numbers for. If you’re wondering how you have a TON of options. Promise! You can run ads on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest (hellooo), you can pour time into your email list, and you can make consistency your middle name. These are all things we recommend to our clients over here because they WORK. So, here’s your homework: choose a lead generation strategy to focus on! Here are some ideas:

  • Create a weekly newsletter
  • Run ads on Meta
  • Run ads on Pinterest
  • Level up your website SEO with long-form content
  • Show your face on Instagram stories
  • Re-do your email marketing funnels

Then, start thinking about — and working to improve — your engagement rates. The thing is, followers don’t equal buyers… but engagement DOES. And, in the simplest terms, this either means you’re connecting with your audience or you’re not. When you do connect with your audience by creating impeccable content, you’re so much more likely to grow a loyal following who will engage…

…and buy.

An easy way to do this is by simply giving a litmus test to your content creation (and your ads) with these questions:

  1. Does this align with the audience that I have?
  2. Am I showing up consistently already, or does this seem random?
  3. Would I like this content? Would I follow me?
  4. Am I clearly answering the questions I would have about this?

Once you’ve answered “YES” to all of the above and started doing it consistently, you’ve unlocked a winning organic growth strategy.

Sound simple? It’s because, well, it IS.
See, we love to complicate social media. We love to give things like virality WAY more attention than they deserve. And, don’t get me wrong here — the algorithm can be tricky. Engagement isn’t always easy to create. But when you focus on future-proofing your business by focusing on PEOPLE, you’re in a way better spot.

And I, for one, can’t wait to watch it.

All Things Advantage Plus

All Things Advantage Plus

Something I love? When Meta tries to make life easier, especially with (thoughtful!) AI tools.

Something I love a little more? Make sure that we approach these things with a healthy dose of caution before diving in.

Lemme explain.

See, we are pretty deep in the era of AI here— and this era isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It’s time to lean in. I’m very here for that and have leaned in in a whole myriad of ways.

Enter: Meta’s AI tools, which are a perfect example of this.

It’s why I’m a big fan of most of what Advantage+ (or Advantage Plus) offers. For those who aren’t knee-deep in the ads world at all times, Advantage+ is Meta’s suite of all things AI. These are tools designed to simplify ad management, optimize performance, and (in theory) make marketers’ lives much easier.

But, here’s the catch. While there’s a lot to love about Advantage+, it’s not ALL sunshine and ROI.

Let’s chat about it.

First up, here’s why Advantage+ is (mostly) worth the hype:
When it comes to the value props of Advantage+, Meta really does have something good going on. Think…

… smarter targeting that identifies your ideal audience faster.
… custom creative that’s tailored to individual users.
… real-time optimization that tweaks performance as it learns.

All of these features are a GOOD thing, sure — especially if you’re a busy entrepreneur without a team.

But, here’s a reality check: use Advantage+ with caution
See, here’s where things get tricky. Honestly, AI is only as good as the data it has on the exact hand. It doesn’t have context, or know you, or know your audience on a different level. Since it operates on data and not intuition, it lacks human nuance — and this means that sometimes, it can make some, well, questionable decisions and suggestions.

Here’s what that might mean:

  • Adding bright, off-brand colors to your creative
  • Picking music that doesn’t match your brand’s vibe
  • Tweaking messaging to something that doesn’t feel like you (because it’s not!)
  • Flipping images upside down in a way that’s more… chaos than cleverness

So… should you use Advantage+?
It’s an absolute YES… but you have to do it the smart way. These AI tools like Advantage+ are very much here to stay and will continue to get better, but that doesn’t mean you should blindly trust them out of the gate (or blindly trust them EVER…).

Wondering how to use Advantage+ the right way?
Test! Start small when it comes to the AI features, let it actually learn what works for you AND your audience, and allow it to learn slowly. That’s how it will pull in a bit more context for you, and it will also allow YOU to see the suggestions a bit more clearly. And, more importantly, keep your proven strategies in play! Don’t abandon your Lookalike Audiences or warm audiences JUST because AI is new and shiny and seems perfect.

Start experimenting with Advantage+ today, but remember: the best campaigns combine AI’s efficiency with YOUR knowledge and incredible expertise.

The trick is to guide the tools SO they can guide you. You’ve got this.

2024 Recap: Facebook Ads Edition

2024 Recap: Facebook Ads Edition

Y’all, we’ve (almost) done it — we’ve almost made it through 2024!

*happy dance*

And, let’s be honest: a LOT has happened this year. In a year of AI innovations, elections, new tech, and beyond, there’s been something to look at, try, or test every single time we turn our heads.

But, guess what? That’s the kind of year that creates big-time growth.

Come along with us for a recap of 2024 Facebook ads innovation — and then let’s start thinking ahead to 2025!

Facebook ads: what changed in 2024?
When it comes to ads, Meta is always on the front of innovation — and 2024 was no different. From boosting targeting capabilities to allowing for more personalization, we saw a lot of changes for the better this year.

Here are some of our favorite 2024 Facebook ad level-ups:

  • The embrace of AI: If “artificial intelligence” isn’t TIME’s word of the year, I’m confused. Honestly, after all, AI has been a HUGE part of this year’s tech reckoning, and Facebook ads are no different. This year, Meta added AI-powered ad tools into the ad platform… and we’re obsessed. Now, you can edit images, customize text, create variations, forecast performance, and so much more. It’s been a game-changer for efficiency, for ad spend, and for overall ad performance.
  • More personalization opportunities: The internet is a crowded place, and people NEED to feel like something is meant for them — which is why the fact that Facebook has leaned into personalization makes SUCH a big difference. This year, we saw the ability to lean heavily into audience preferences with a big uptick in dynamic ad capabilities — meaning that you can customize ads in real-time, make audience-centric adjustments, and even tailor them to the seasons. Yes, please!
  • Deeper insights: As an FB ads agency, we’re (obviously) always looking for more data — and so are our clients! Updates to the Audience Insights dashboard have given us all a much deeper capability into data dives, which we’re all obsessed with. You can now see enhanced behavior tracking, predictive analytics, privacy-focused insights, and so much more. This has been key for optimizing budgets and improving ROI.

Some top System Envy moments
While the Metadata wizards have been spinning up new things, so have we! This has been a campaign-heavy year (packed with some BIG results), and we’ve had an infinite amount of fun trying different platforms, shaking up our strategies, and helping our clients make their biggest dreams come true.

Here are a few of our top moments and practices:

  • Obsessing over Pinterest: Our entire team has been biggggg fans of  Pinterest forever and ever, and we really embraced the Pinterest ad game this year! And, trust us here — if you haven’t tried Pinterest ads, you’re going to want to! Data shows that over 80% of Pinterest users have made a purchase based on their Pins before, and the longevity is insane. (Wondering what we mean? The average Pin is re-pinned 11 times, which points to how long its reach can grow!) Here’s what we’ve learned this year.
  • Making $1.4M for our new client: We have so much fun with every single client launch we support (I mean, hello… we have the best clients EVER!), but we really can’t stop thinking about one of the launches that we started with last year and re-did this year. Long story short? We helped get a 725%+ return on ad spend for a whopping $1.4 million return on investment! This was a course launch for a brand new course and involved a quickfire engagement strategy AND launch strategy to work. You can learn more about it our first go-round here!
  • Dipping our toes in the TikTok water: Leaning into the TikTok ads game was a huge priority for us this year, and it’s one we’re really glad to have leaned into. Likely, TikTok is going to be a huge moneymaker — especially for younger audiences — for quite a while. By taking the leap this year, we’ve been able to prime our clients for some big successes. Here’s what you need to know.

And, guys… we have to be honest with you — all of the above is BARELY even scratching the surface. This year has been huge, and we know next year will be, too.

We just can’t WAIT for it! Let’s do it together, yeah?

Do Podcast Ads Work?

Do Podcast Ads Work?

Over the years, we’ve been able to work with clients on countless course launches, membership programs, product offers — you name it. Essentially, we’ve been able to see our clients make these massive, massive moves (with the help of Facebook ads), and it’s been, quite simply, the BEST.


Lately, though — while we’ve still been doing lots of launches, memberships, and offers — we’ve also been supporting clients on their podcasts. In fact, several System Envy clients have top worldwide podcasts (casual!), and we pretty regularly get asked about podcast ads from our audience.


So, here’s to the big question we’ve been getting lately: “do podcast ads work?”


Short answer: yes. 


Long answer: let’s talk about it.


Podcast ads work if you do them right

A consistent ad strategy can lead to hundreds of thousands of clicks to and subsequent downloads of your podcast — and when they’re done right, you can typically count on a cost-per-click of under $0.10, a high clickthrough rate of 10% or more, and a cost-per-download average of around $0.60. 


And, here’s why: if you run consistent podcast ads, you’re able to boost your most valuable content in a purposeful, impactful way — leading to new listeners, a more engaged audience, and, in turn, more earnings because of that podcast of yours. Plus, you can use your podcast to align with your business offers in themselves — and use your podcast ads audiences to retarget any of your aligned offers, too.


Win, win, win.


How to build a podcast ads strategy

When you’re running ads to your podcast, there are a few things we’ve found that really do work for maximum effect:


Keep it timely: You can reuse and re-promote old episodes, but make sure that this isn’t your focus! The more timely — AKA, new episodes, please! — the better, especially when it comes to building a highly engaged audience.
Video works well: We really recommend recording your podcasts live, and then utilizing snippets to run ads. We’ve seen great podcast ad success by showing audiences an inside look, pulling small teaching moments, and sharing the funniest pieces of an episode. 
Run multiples in a cycle: With our clients, we’ve noticed the biggest success — and ROI — by running multiple videos (3-4 at a time, typically) for about a weeklong cycle. Then, within that cycle, you can A/B test everything from video length to copy to see what’s really working and what’s not. 
Keep track: There’s nothing more important (well, besides testing) than keeping track of your ads, consistently taking note of your findings, and reporting final numbers. Don’t leave this step out, okay?!


So, my podcast pals, here’s your job: run some podcast ads! They’re easy to start, low-cost to run, and maximally effective with the right strategy — and you will grow your podcast with ‘em.

Ready, go!

Launching a Course With a Personal AND a Business Brand: Content Planning Edition

Launching a Course With a Personal AND a Business Brand: Content Planning Edition

At System Envy, we have a lot of clients who have 2 important things:


  1. A business with a successful, popular, and profitable course or product offer.
  2. A personal brand that they love just as much.


Chances are, you fit in that category, too. After all, you’re not just a businessperson — you’re A HUMAN! And, the way we see it… that personal brand matters just as much.


Here’s the thing, though: likely, your personal brand and your business brand are going to have different strategies when you’re planning for a launch — and approaching them both with different strategies is key to making an impact and staying sane… especially when it comes to content planning.

So, let’s break it down.

Courses vs. personal brands: How to plan content for each.


Course content planning: Business brand So, you’re prepping to launch your course — and you’re wondering how the heck to plan the content so it’s not the same as your personal brand? I got you.


First off, you need to have an understanding of your funnel (essentially the journey from freebie to offer to checkout). What does each step look like? What do you want each click/each engagement to turn into?


Then, since you’re running a business account, you need to focus — and focus heavily — on building engagement and rapport with cold audience members. Plan content that adds serious value (freebies, educational videos, small learnings, etc.), and create a schedule that pours into those who may not be too familiar with your brand yet. (Psst — any warm audience members are going to love this, too!)


For bonus points, get personal on your business account, too. Talk about why you created this course/offer, share testimonials, and give your audience insight into the results and wins YOU have achieved from it.


Course content planning: Personal brand When you’re prepping to launch your course as a personal brand, you want to approach the strategy a little differently. However, the overarching idea is the same — to encourage people to float through your funnel and, eventually, make that big-ticket purchase.


To do this, niche your content down to the people following your personal brand who are raving fans of yours (and will, in turn, buy from you). Focus on nurturing them, adding value to them, and simply being yourself. Feel free to share freebies and educational videos, but also take the time to invite them into your life through the lens of your course — and take the time to appeal to them through that personal connection you already have.


Sound simple? That’s because, my friend, it is. If you’ve been building an engaging personal brand, you definitely have people who want to support you on it — you just have to reach them in the right way.


Also, keep your audience in mind. This is of utmost importance when you’re balancing posting about your business, but also about your life around your business. In most cases, if you feel like you’re overdoing it, you’re probably right on the money. But do consider your audience and how well you’ve trained them to hear from you while launching. Our clients have done a phenomenal job of teaching followers that we WILL be emailing and posting about offers.

For example, if you’re currently launching a course, think about the phase of your launch, and how many posts you want to make for each phase

  • Webinar
  • Cart Open
  • Cart Close

If you create 8-10 posts for each phase, your webinar phase is a week, and your cart period is a week, then you could have the following organic content plan:

  • reel with long-form copy about the benefits and learnings from the webinar/course
  • image with short copy about how to join
  • reel with long-form copy about your personal expertise and the results from the webinar or course learnings
  • image with long-form copy sharing a sneak peek of the strategy you’ll share in your webinar or course
  • personal reel about your lifestyle, learnings lately, etc. with CTA to engage in the comments (for example: “Comment below if you agree” or “Tag that person in the comments”)
  • carousel with testimonial images for the course or webinar takeaways
  • personal image about your life and hobbies, more casual, storytelling
  • reel with b-roll footage and a thought-provoking text on image, explain the text in the caption long-form and then invite people to the webinar/course
  • reel sharing answers to any objections your audience might have about joining
  • personal reel about how you created the course content or webinar


This is a pretty good mix of content for your audience to digest, and not feel like they’re being overwhelmed with your offer. Keep in mind, that you should be posting consistently with your previous posting schedule. If you rarely post and then turn it into high gear during a launch, and post 3x/day, your audience miiiight notice, and not take kindly to this strategy. Post what feels right for your regular routine!


— And, there you have it — our simple tips for creating course-friendly content, regardless of a business or a personal account! As usual, remember: the key lies in testing, engaging, and adding value to your audience. In all honesty, THAT is what matters.

Reflecting on 2023 So Far

Reflecting on 2023 So Far

Okay, guys… I hate to be this person but I HAVE to ask:


Can you BELIEVE it’s already the FALL?! 


Like, honestly… what has happened this year? It’s like we hit January 1 and life decided to accelerate — and to say it’s been busy, full of lessons, and full of work is an understatement.


But, I digress. ‘Tis life, isn’t it?!


And, during this busy year, I’ve learned a LOT. My team has learned a LOT. My clients have learned — you guessed it — a LOT. We’re in this really interesting space of time where we’re seeing new innovations in tech every day, new ways to reach audiences and customers WITH that tech, and new variations on the things that have worked already.


So, I want to dive into a little reflection of 2023 so far: ads edition.


What we’ve learned about ads (so far) in 2023

After a year of news about privacy changes, allowances, and rebrands, there was a lot to contend with — but, to be honest, we’ve learned and have really decided to dial in on a lot of the strategies we’ve been focused on.


And it’s worked.


#1: Video is still king (queen?!)

It’s really been no secret that video content has been heavily, heavily prioritized across social — and for good reasons. Audiences enjoy it, it’s highly engaging, and it’s immediately eye-catching. This has only increased in 2023 so far — especially in your ads.


Whether it’s running ads on Reels/TikTok or it’s repurposing video content to engage your audience with ads, showing up is SO important. We’ve learned through countless launches this year that video testing is just as important as we assumed, too. Don’t forget this — and focus on testing lifestyle videos, TikTok-style videos, talking videos, and more. It’s important to really dig into the types of content your audience loves so that you can lean into more of it.


However, I do really want to make something clear: images are not dead! Photo ads and creative still work and perform really, really well among audiences — and I don’t see that ever changing. But, paying attention to video content is still highly important, and for a couple reasons:  you want to please the algorithm when you can, it’s important to show up in multiple ways, and trying new things is never a bad thing.


#2: The strategies we promote are still working.

Over here, we place the biggest emphasis — always — on testing. We test creative assets, we test timing, we test audiences… you name it. And, guess what? That strategy remains one of theeee best things you can do for a successful ad campaign and launch. Every. Single. Time. Don’t get caught on one practice and refuse to try and test other things, because you will miss out on a huge opportunity there.


You deserve better than that.


#3: Diversification of spend is getting the most return.

While we may have started out as a FB ads agency, we’re a lot more than that now — we’re comfortable running ads on any platform, and I have to urge you to do the same. See, there are constantly new platforms (hello, TikTok is not that old!) and there are also platforms that you may not have been taking advantage of (hello, Pinterest!). By leveraging them, you can truly see a huge return on spend.


Now, a note: for us and for our clients, FB and IG are still seeing the biggest return and engagement levels. However, it very well may not stay like that forever — and, regardless, we are still seeing big return and engagement in places like TikTok and Pinterest, too.


Don’t miss out.



Stay tuned — the year isn’t over yet! These are just a few of the things we’ve learned so far, and we’re excited for more. And, as always, if there’s anything you want us to dig into… let us know!

The Key to Getting off the Content Hamster Wheel

The Key to Getting off the Content Hamster Wheel

Do you ever feel like you’re on a constant content wheel that’s spinning and spinning (and spinning some more), only to never really go anywhere? It’s like between Instagram stories, TikToks (ugh), the ever-elusive video content, the grid posts, and the blogging, it never, ever stops.

It’s exhausting.

But, tough love here (and I’m heavy on the love part, because I feel the same way you do)… content creation is a necessary part of growing a business today. Continually pushing out (quality) content is key to helping grow your organic traffic and followers, and it also leads you toward highly engaged audiences.

Good news, though: you can take that content hamster wheel and put it to some seriously good use. I promise. Here’s how:

  1. Use your content for between-launch ads!

Instead of just sending your content into the SEO and social media stratosphere (which, don’t get me wrong, you should still do!), integrate it into your ads content as well. We do this a ton over here with our clients by using IG posts and Reels as engagement ads — which keeps an audience highly engaged and helps the Ads Manager learn more about what works for your specific audience.


  1. Remember that quantity > perfectionism = key to good content

There are two important things to remember when it comes to your content: original content is being prioritized by the Facebook algorithm, and ads do fatigue. Remembering those, it’s definitely easy to remind yourself of the importance of content creation – and of creating content that your audience will love, even if it’s not professionally produced or exactly as perfect as you might want it to be.


See, here’s a quick case study:

One of our clients is such a content queen, and she’s always pumping out the Reels and the content for us, which gives us SOSOSO many options for ads and allows us to continually engage her audience. With that, we have so much to pull from that our ads allow for tons of testing and have much better optimization.

On the other hand, we have a (still incredible!) client who isn’t much for posting on IG. She posts maaaaybe once a month, and we have to ask for Reels pretty often. The engagement rate isn’t as high as our other client, and it is a little trickier to test.



Here’s the thing, though: This is a common problem — because creating content can really go hand in hand with a lot of perfectionism, especially as an entrepreneur. It can be so easy to never want to post or act unless something’s perfectly branded, and done. I get that, and I’ve felt it, too (like, daily).

And guess what? Perfectionism can limit your growth opportunities. Don’t do that to yourself! Instead, create content that feels good — and then TRUST in your own expertise and in your audience.

That’s all it takes.

Hamster wheel no more. 🙂 Just have fun with it, and then put it to good use!

How I Use Asana as an Entrepreneur: Content Edition

Over here, I make nooooo secret of how much I love Asana — AKA,  the ultimate project management software, and the one that we use for absolutely everything at System Envy HQ. From client workflows to internal processes, Asana is our #1 teammate for allllll the things. And, while we use Asana within several different categories, there’s one area that we REALLY rely on it for:

Content management.

So, if you’ve been looking for a true-blue method to manage content, create a killer editorial calendar, and streamline alllll your content processes, you’re in the right place.

Here’s why we love Asana for content

We’re always singing the praises of Asana (and, no… this isn’t sponsored, though we wish it was!), but there’s a few reasons why I want to really scream them when it comes to content. 

First, the ability to see tasks in a comprehensive view (AKA, month, day, week, etc.), and then also to collaborate with others on them makes it a no-brainer for planning content and working around schedules. But, on the other hand, it’s easy to use. Asana isn’t this clunky, 17-steps-to-find-your-task situation. It’s straightforward and helpful, just like we like our content itself to be.

How I Use Asana as an Entrepreneur: Content Edition

When it comes to trying out Asana for your content, there are a few best practices that we’d recommend following — and that we’ve tried and implemented in our own internal processes.

First up, get really granular with it! Asana gives you tons of leeway for categorizing tasks and structuring your schedule, so take advantage of that by breaking all of your content down, piece by piece, within the platform. Wondering what we mean? Instead of using Asana to plan out just an entire month’s of content on a high level, use it to really define specific goals. For instance, we have separate workspaces and tasks for blogging, email marketing, IG captions, Reels ideas, video content, and everything in-between. 

Then, keep it organized. This is key, because Asana is really robust — and, while it’s simple, you can also overwhelm yourself unnecessarily. We focus on keeping each task streamlined with one specific idea or category instead of looping tons of things into one, which is really essential when it comes to building cohesiveness and consistency in your content process.

(Bonus tip: keep all passwords, processes, and resources safe and all in one place inside of Asana, too!)

Next up? Timelines, which are arguably one of theeeeee best things to use Asana for, especially when it comes to content. When you’re planning your content out for the month or quarter, you can look at every date from a birds-eye view — something that’s key to making things happen on time. We bake in tons of time for content to get made, and we make that a huge part of our process. 

For instance, our content tasks in Asana look a lot like this:

  • Create topic ideas
  • Gather notes around content/create an outline if necessary
  • Assign content to whoever’s going to write it, whether that’s our copywriter or me
  • Review and edit content, if needed
  • Upload content to ShowIt/social media
  • Schedule content

And, that’s just one piece of content! There’s usually about a month of lead time between all of those tasks, which means we have quite a few Asana subtasks ready to fill. But, it’s all in one place… and that changes everything. We’re able to assign those tasks, get those approvals, and provide that feedback — win, win, win.

There you have it — how we utilize Asana to make content management a breeze over here! Have any other process, workflow, or system Q’s you wanna ask? Let us know.

How I use Asana as an Entrepreneur

How I use Asana as an Entrepreneur

Can we all please just talk about how much the internet has improved entrepreneur life?! Am I showing my age here LOL?

And, I loooooove a good online tool for running my business.

Enter: my ultimate favorite, Asana. I’ve tried quite a few project management softwares within my business and with my team, but Asana is the one I just keep coming back to, over and over again.

Why, you ask? It has an incredibly easy (and pretty) interface, it’s super intuitive for clients and team members alike, and it doesn’t feel clunky and scary to figure out.

AKA, the trifecta.

So, I wanted to share a little bit more about why I love Asana so much AND how I use it as an entrepreneur. 

First up: here’s an Asana primer.

To put it simply, Asana is a project management software for teams, for individuals, and for clients. It uses a calendar and to-do list method to help you assign out tasks and build out projects, and, lemme tell ya…

…it’s a life saver.

It also has a communication element that lets you talk back and forth on different projects, too, which makes it easy to streamline and simplify. Plus, the organization? OOH. We love.

How I use Asana as an Entrepreneur

At System Envy, we actually use Asana for a couple different reasons — content management, client work, and day-to-day operations. That’s why I’m so obsessed with it, actually: it’s a true-blue workhorse, and we put it to work.

Here are our fave ways to use it in this business:

Creating client consistency: Consistency is absolutely essential when you run a service-based business, especially one like ours where there’s so much data and so many goals to reach. 

The key? Using project templates so that every single client has a consistent experience, and so every single team member knows exactly what they need and when they need it.

Onboarding, reporting, and even launching with clients is so much easier with Asana, because we have templates for absolutely everything. Then, when it’s time for a new project or for a status update on an existing one, it’s easy to duplicate an existing template or project and be set up in minutes.

Self-tasks AND team tasks: I also use Asana a lot for its most famous feature, AKA the to-do lists feature! I can build tasks for myself to follow up for keeping the team on track, but I can also assign tasks — or have tasks assigned *to* me.

Our entire team loves it, because it’s so easy to make sure things aren’t falling between the cracks… which is pretty dang essential when you’re managing clients and team members who are, quite literally, all across the country and abroad.

Plus, you don’t have to assign overarching, huge tasks out, either! The subtask feature inside of Asana lets us build small, achievable tasks that aren’t at all overwhelming or overbearing. And, these subtasks are also really key to building processes within the team, too.

High level looks: With several different clients (and a business to run), it’s definitely really important to be able to see the week, the month, the quarter, and even the year at a glance. 

With Asana, we’re able to map out client projects and team tasks to see time periods unfold in front of us in different calendar views, which is so, so helpful when it comes to things like client launches or prepping for new products in our own digital suite.

In case you can’t tell, we’re pretty dang obsessed with Asana over here at System Envy… and I’m convinced it’s absolutely the easiest-to-use, most aesthetically pleasing project management software around. 

Check it out here.