When to Hire an Additional Campaign Manager

When to Hire an Additional Campaign Manager

Through my years of running System Envy, I’ve hired a lot of incredible people… and I’ve also had to let some people go, too. And in the meantime, I’ve learned a TON about growing a team, building effective processes, and doing it to scale — but it’s not always the easiest thing to do.

Not even close.

But, at the same time, hiring team members is the way that I’ve been able to scale my business, increase our revenue, and support more clients — and I’d just bet that it’s exactly how you’ll be able to do the same, too.

And if you’ve been rocking it in the ads world, lemme give you a piece of advice: hiring an additional campaign manager may be EXACTLY what you need.

When to hire an additional campaign manager

As anyone in the ads world knows, running campaigns involves a lot of work — a lot of strategy, a lot of technical specs, and a lot of communication (especially here, where we pride ourselves on being incredibly responsive… always). And while this can be managed by one person up to a point, it can’t forever.

So, here’s the truth: if you feel like it’s time to hire an additional campaign manager, it absolutely is. 

This is especially important if you’ve increased your client load, your ad spend, or your workload in general, too — because in the ads world, your clients matter more than anything else. Sometimes, that means being able to delegate, hand off tasks, and ensure that your client campaigns are taken care of the right way.

So, here’s the trick to hiring an additional campaign manager…

As a business owner who continues to hire, grow, and scale, I firmly believe that the most important piece of the puzzle lies in onboarding and SOPs. When you can onboard your team properly — and build out standard operating procedures that every team member and role can follow — you make hiring simple and effective.

Over here, hiring campaign managers (and any team member) follows the same pattern. We send the team member their new welcome packet, get them set up on Slack and Asana, and then they go through onboarding (usually with our account manager). Once they’re onboarded and ready to go, they’ll have access to a doc that spells out every single SOP they need to follow in their role.

It’s so smooth, so seamless, and SO effective for everyone involved. It just takes a little bit of work on the backend!

SOPs for our campaign managers

While every business runs things a little differently, there are some common SOPs that I think every ads-related role can benefit from. We outline standard operating procedures for the following with our campaign managers:

  • Onboarding checklist for every client
  • Checklist for client access (passwords, back-ends, etc.)
  • Client research processes
  • The campaign setup phase
  • Campaign management tasks (including routine monthly tasks for our evergreen campaigns)
  • Reporting tasks

So, there ya have it — some of my go-to tips for hiring and managing one of THE most valuable team members you can have as an ads manager! Do you want more tips for hiring team members and streamlining your business (and ad campaigns)? Let me know — I’d love to share.

Onboarding for Pinterest

Onboarding for Pinterest

Look, let’s all just agree that Pinterest is SO FUN. I mean what other place can you find truly unlimited inspo on all the things (give me alllll the home decor pins) AND grow your business?

Win, win, win.

Over here, we guide a lot of our clients into the world of Pinterest ads — which can be so, so great for conversion and outreach. Pinterest ads have a way of feeling really organic when used the right way, and can be a top-tier way to reach your target audience where they already are. However, just like with any social media ads, you want to jump in on the right side: i.e., with proper onboarding and the right approach.

So, here’s what to know when starting out with Pinterest ads.

To kick off your Pinterest ads journey, you need to transition your Pinterest account to a business account. No worries here — you’ll still be able to pin all of your home decor faves, you’ll just also be able to run ads. Then, make sure your boards are all cleaned up (hide any you don’t want potential clients to see), ensure that your Pinterest bio is up-to-date, and make sure your links all take people to the right places.

(Psst… Pinterest is WONDERFUL with guiding their advertisers with helpful suggestions. If you’re contacted by Pinterest with an opportunity to meet with an account manager, I’d recommend doing so!)


Next up — the types of Pins you can promote on Pinterest.

When it comes to prepping your ad content on Pinterest, as we do for Meta ads, you want to consider your goal. Are you trying to get leads? Build audiences? Get more sales? Ideally, you’ll be testing some form of each of those (hellllo sales funnel!). Because our clients are course creators, the bulk of our ads tend to be conversion and/or engagement ads however Pinterest also offers Awareness, Consideration, Video Views and Catalog Sales as objectives for your ads.


Best practices for your Pinterest ads

Alright, you ready to get started with Pinterest ads?! Follow these guidelines, tips, and best practices for Pinterest ads that really convert (and, well… are eligible for promotion):

  • Pin them in the right place: Pinterest requires you to save the pins to your business profile on public boards that include destination URLs — anything else won’t be eligible to promote.
  • Create them with these specs: We recommend that our clients follow these guidelines for their created Pins:
    • ensure ad text is less than 500 characters
    • images should be 2:3 or 1000 x 1500
    • headlines/subject lines should be no longer than 100 characters (first 40 will be visible in certain feeds)
    • motion graphics must be .mov or .mp4
  • Use the right keywords: Think about what people will be searching for to find Pins like yours, and organically align that wording in your headlines and captions.
  • Think about aesthetics: Pinterest is a platform that rewards aesthetically pleasing content (I mean, hello… it’s a platform filled with beauty), so be thoughtful about your imagery, your graphics, and your attention to detail.


Alright, my sweetest friends — there you have it! Your mini starter guide to running Pinterest ads. Have any questions at all? I’m your girl for answering ‘em, always.

Should You Have a Waitlist for Your Course?

Should You Have a Waitlist for Your Course?

So, you’re launching a course (!!!) and wondering… should you have a waitlist?!

Oh, I have SO many thoughts, my friend — and first off, congratulations! I’ve seen so many of my clients transform their businesses — well, their LIVES! — with successful course launches, and when they’re done right they can transform yours, too.

The bulk of the work we do over here at System Envy is guiding our clients through their high-ticket course and membership launches with Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram ad support, and we’ve learned a LOT from watching so many fantastic women launch and rock their courses — which brings me to waitlists.

So, here’s your question: does your audience respond well to being enticed? Do you have an engaged, nurtured email list? Are you willing to go above and beyond to provide juicy discounts/freebies to those on your waitlist?

Well then, YES — absolutely. A waitlist is for you, my gal. Let’s dive in:

The most important thing about waitlists

There’s something that makes a waitlist WORK, and there’s something that makes a waitlist fail — and you’ve likely experienced it yourself. See, have you ever signed up for some sort of waitlist (whether for a pair of shoes you were drooling over or an actual course) only to completely forget about the launch and realize you were totally disinterested once you got off the waitlist?

Well, there ^^^ is the problem, my friend.

People have way too many emails in their lists and things on their mind for poorly designed waitlists — AKA, waitlists that don’t nurture, encourage, or remind their audience of what they’re waiting for. However, if you CAN nurture your waitlist, offer them juicy discounts and freebies, and build hype around your offer, you’re killing the game. 

SE client case study wins

By turning the people on your waitlist into raving fans that are excited about your launch, you will have a successful one. It’s that simple — and one of our clients is a great example of this. We have a long-time client who launches her course twice a year and otherwise keeps her course closed for enrollment (and on a waitlist). Her course has two tiers — pricing ranging from $1,997 to $2,997 — and she’s a master at her waitlist. In fact, 94% of her ad sales come from a waitlist (!!!), and she has EASILY generated more than $5 million in revenue just from the one course.

Um, hello.

Essentially, we do this by running ads for the waitlist year-round — and there are a LOT of perks to joining her waitlist. People get an immediate freebie and a beautiful email sequence that nurtures the leads until launch with the perfect mix of personal anecdotes, inspiration, and teachings.

By doing this, our client has built that list of raving fans we’re referring to — and it has worked, to the tune of riiiight around $5 million from course sales ALONE. 

This, my friends, is possible for you, too. And if you’re willing to put in the work, do it — and test out rockin’ your waitlist! Need some help? You know where to find us.

How to Build a Goldmine and Increase Sales

How to Build a Goldmine and Increase Sales

It’s true: sales funnelssocial media, and paid advertising like Meta Ads (FB and IG) drive website traffic and lead to more clients and more business for online entrepreneurs who know how to use them. This is how I’ve built my business and helped clients make more money in theirs! In fact, this strategy is so important, it’s what I’m zeroing in on in my business now more than ever.

So, if your ideal customers are on Meta (hint: they are!), you’ll want to see what I have comin’ to ya (think targeting the right audience, building custom audiences, increasing sales) No fluff … well, maybe just a little fluff (because sometimes I feel fluffy) … but finding your ideal audience through a targeting cheat sheet you can use for your business systems to help you in your day-to-day and long-term marketing! Sound good?

After all, if your business isn’t steadily growing to bring you the freedom you want as an entrepreneur, we need to fix that and we need to do it yesterday. This is why I love systems. You create, implement and set them in motion to make business less stressful, more profitable, and much more fun. Also, in the form of an easy-to-digest cheat sheet? Win-win!

Not everyone loves the creation part of systems but (true confession….) I do! System Envy is here so that you can grab the content, strategy, and systems and apply them in your business today!

I find with my clients, and people I talk to in the industry, sales funnels, marketing, and Meta Ads can be confusing. And it’s not just the algorithm changes, it’s a lot of information to take in, all. the. time. It can be tricky to navigate how to target your content to find your dream audience (AKA – people who buy your offer)!

sales funnel is the path you design that leads people who are prospects to become buyers and clients. It’s your way of interesting them in your content, demonstrating your expertise and credibility, and helping them to take directed action and the next step to becoming a client. A simple sales funnel might include a free offer ☞ low-priced offer ☞ core or a higher-priced offer. Without a strategic sales funnel, entrepreneurs often lose their focus and spend time on the wrong activities trying to grow their business. A well-planned sales funnel does the work for you and creates a system that nurtures prospects, gains clients, and grows your business.

Now, add in the fuel of Meta Ads as a way to drive those prospects to and through the sales funnel and you are golden! Facebook and Instagram dominate the social media platforms. Your target clients are there, you just need to find them. So, using Meta™ ads strategically is a way to target (and retarget) custom audiences that are more likely to be already interested in the content and services you offer but they may not know you yet or know enough about you to buy!

So get ready to strengthen your sales funnel by building a targeting plan that will work. I’ve added all my secrets to targeting your ideal customers and building the goldmine that is available to you, here. Did I mention, it’s free? 

In the meantime, I’d love to hear what questions YOU have regarding online marketing as it relates to paid traffic and sales funnels? Do you need to know how to set a funnel up, what technology to use, who to target, and how to use Facebook and Instagram ads? Let me know by leaving a comment. I’d really appreciate it.

The Seasonality of a Launch

The Seasonality of a Launch

When you’re launching something big (and using Facebook ads to help you do it — hint, hint!), there are lots of things to consider — like, lots. And, one of the questions we get a ton from our clients over here is simple:

Does the seasonality of a launch matter?”

Here’s the thing…. While the seasonality of a launch can matter, it’s definitely not the only factor. The key here? Test, test, test — and pay attention to that target market of yours, above anything else. When you know your audience, you can optimize things like seasonality and messaging to make your launch work any time of year.


Here’s why your audience is key

Prepping a launch can go one of three ways, right? It can go SUPER well, it can go not-so-well, and it can go poorly — and, guess what? Knowing your audience — and approaching them the right way — is almost always at the root of all three of those ways. So, as you start getting ready for your launch and your Facebook ad campaigns, keep that audience in mind over absolutely anything else.

 When do they tend to shop the most? What messaging is going to attract them? What messaging do they hate? What have past launches shown you? Knowing this is absolutely key to rocking (or, well… not rocking) your launch in the first place.


Testing messaging during seasonal launches

Over here, we constantly talk about the importance of testing… because there’s absolutely nothing that matters as much when you’re utilizing Facebook ads to help you with a launch. This goes for seasonality, too — because it’s simple: you have to keep asking (and testing!) to see what’s working as you go… especially when it comes to messaging. 

Depending on the seasonality of your launch, try out seasonal messaging… and then try it without. For some of your audience, certain seasonal messaging could feel really tired (think: New Year, New You, etc.), but for some of your audience, seasonal messaging might be really effective. Build out several versions of messaging for every ad you’re running, and adjust as you go. 


And, here’s the million dollar q: is it better to launch at certain times of the year?!

Friends, guess what? You are the one who knows your offer like the back of your hand, and you’re the one who knows your audience. There are tons and tons of offers that do incredibly well no matter the time of year (business owners are always learning!). However, there are some offers (like… a course on Christmas lights, for instance 😂) that likely aren’t going to perform as well in June as they do in November.

It all comes down to being honest with yourself about your offer, and strategizing from there. You’ve got this. I just know it!

Do You Need a Webinar In Order to Launch?

Do You Need a Webinar In Order to Launch?

When you’re researching all things Facebook ads and launches, you’ll pretty much alllllways see a recommendation for what we call a webinar launch: AKA, a launch headed by a webinar that helps you generate leads and get people in the door for your offer.

And, you might be wondering: do I neeeeed a webinar for my launch?

Short answer: no, not necessarily. However, webinar launches are tried and true — and they work. We’ve been rockin’ and rollin’ with webinar launches for close to 12 years now, because we see a really big return on them. People like them, they show up for them, and they tend to perform well.

Here’s what you need to know:

First, webinar or not, it’s about a HOLISTIC APPROACH.

We really are fans of webinars, but also I cannot underscore this enough: it’s not about your webinar, and it’s not even about your ads. It’s about creating a scalable, saleable offer,  it’s about creating content, and it’s about consistently nurturing and serving an engaged audience… regardless of your launch status. Pouring time and energy into each aspect of your marketing and your launch is key, from your messaging and your creative to your landing pages, your price, and your offer itself. Before you ever even talk about hosting a webinar, make sure you focus on that.

Next up, here’s why we love webinars.

See, engagement helps bring lasting connection… and lasting connection is what brings sales. Webinars allow you to build this connection-focused engagement, and people get to see YOU, get to know YOU, and learn from YOU. It’s a powerful, strategic method for introducing yourself, your offer, and your possible outcomes, and it can also scale your launches and help you reach a wider audience.

Wanna shake up a webinar launch?

If you’re hesitant about the webinar style, don’t be — it can be super effective, and there are other ways to frame it! Keep it straightforward and make sure people know what they’re signing up for (we love using mini-sessions, live trainings, and masterclasses messaging), and keep the value first. You can create a challenge, a video series, or a more traditional lunch & learn style webinar, but make sure you don’t middle the message too much.

(Psst… remember — testing is always effective. If you’re trying out different messaging for your webinar-style launch, make sure you’re warming up your audience to your messaging and testing different variations.)


Remember: you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do in a launch, and there are no real rules! However, webinar launches are proven strategies… so keep that in mind, too.

Can You Scale During a Launch?

Can You Scale During a Launch?

When you’re launching something new (first off, congratu-freaking-lations!), Facebook ads can be your biggest weapon. However, they can also feel like a big investment, which is why you might be asking:

“Can I start small and scale my ad campaigns during a launch?”

This is a question we’ve heard tons over here, and it’s also something that we strategize pretty heavily with our clients themselves. And, here’s your answer: in short, yes — but it’s a heck of a lot more difficult to scale as you go than to start with your max budget and scale down if you need to.

Let’s talk:

First up — Facebook ads take some time.

All of the tracking and the behind-the-scenes work that goes into Facebook ad campaigns also go hand-in-hand with the algorithm’s learning phase. The algorithm needs some time to get out of that learning phase, and if you’re pouring more money into an ad over a very short period of time, it’s a lot more difficult to see what’s actually working and what’s not.

Since launches are so time-sensitive — and since you usually don’t have months, but just a couple of weeks — this can be extra tricky. While it may feel riskier, it’s almost always a better idea to go all-in at the beginning of an ad campaign and then turn them off or lower the budget later. By doing it the opposite way, you’ll often increase your cost per lead anyways (which isn’t what you want). 

Next up? Budget, budget, budget.

Before you ever even design and start your launch, figure out your goals, your conversion rates, and your average cost per lead. Once you do that, you can give yourself a few budget options and decide what feels best. In fact, this is actually what we do for our clients!

Once you have a budget range, you can think of a few best- and worst-case scenarios based on your cost per lead. This is how you can find out what feels most comfortable, and it’s also how you can set realistic goals and expectations for your ad money itself.

And, remember — there’s more to it than just sales.

Launches are also about building your list and developing as many leads as you can — so no matter the number of leads and purchases you make, you’re still making some big-time moves in your business. Don’t discount the value of a great lead, and don’t get so caught up in numbers that you miss other benefits of your launch.

Plus, be willing to take a slight risk! If you do it right, it almost always pays off.

You’ve got this, friends — don’t sell yourself short (literally). Instead, focus on the strategy and challenge yourself. We know you can do it.

Is Your Cost-Per-Lead Good?

Is Your Cost-Per-Lead Good?

Facebook advertising can be THE most cost-effective way to scale your business… or it can be a waste of time and money. You know that we’re big on Facebook ads to scale cost-effectively (obviously!), which is why we constantly come back to one question:

Is your cost-per-lead good?

Because, here’s the thing: if it’s not, you’re doing yourself and your business a big disservice. Luckily, though, there are some key indicators you can look for to check on your cost-per-lead, and there are some ways to optimize that cost-per-lead well.


First things first… what makes sense for YOU and your business?


Cost-per-lead is not going to be the same across the board (not even close). CPL varies drastically depending on tons of things, like the platform you’re advertising on, your industry, your audience engagement, and your offer itself. Over here, we serve digital course creators and we’ll see a CPL lead from $0.30, all the way to $30.00 (depending on all of those factors). We estimate our typical CPL to be around $4-$8. 

But, no matter what the cost-per-lead IS, we ask ourselves one simple question:

Does it make sense?! AKA, are people actually buying the offer, OR are they being set up to buy an offer in the future?

See, not every lead is going to be a purchaser. So, if you usually see that you need 10 leads for one purchase, that makes a difference — AKA, say your CPL is $10. If your CPL is $10, your cost-per-sale is going to be $100. While that might be a great margin for a really high-ticket course, it’s not going to be a great margin for a $10 guide. 

This is also where you have to start thinking about where your leads are going to — are they instantly making a purchase, or are they signing up for your email list in hopes that they’ll make a later purchase? These things matter when it comes to building engaged customers *and* making smart business decisions, too.


So, here’s how to keep an eye on your cost-per-lead:


This is why we’re so big on tracking over here at System Envy — because great tracking is what helps you stay on top of whether or not people are converting from your funnel (and where, exactly, they are converting from). 

Having your pixel set up with the lead and purchase tag is key. You want the lead event on your opt-in confirmation pages, and your purchase event on your sale confirmation page. The best way to do this for tracking is to have this confirmation be a separate page/URL. That way you can test the confirmation of lead or sale by tracking the URL in Events Manager. People wouldn’t be able to navigate to this URL from any other path, so it’s a safe and effective way to get reliable data.

Then, you have to test. And test again. And, you guessed it… TEST SOME MORE. 🙂 By running different campaigns at different price points and CPLs, you can start to see which ones are working better — and you can also see very quickly (hellooo, ads manager) what your benchmarks should be.



Over here, we know that Facebook ads can seem confusing — but we’re all about demystifying them to help you rock your business *and* your ad strategy.

The ONE strategy you need for the most effective advertising

I get asked alllll the time for my best ad tips and tricks, and honestly, it’s one of my favorite parts of my j.o.b! There’s so much goodness to share about the magic that are Facebook and Instagram ads. From pinpointing the right target audience to writing ad copy that converts to picking the best assets that draw people in—there are ample opportunities to streamline your ad efforts in your business. But today, I want to talk about just ONE strategy that is often forgotten about, but that can make for some of the most effective advertising…

 And that’s nurture campaigns.


What are nurture campaigns & why are they one of most effective advertising formats?

 My favorite type of nurture campaign is to publish a video ad that displays on your target audience’s feeds. From there, you can create custom Facebook audiences based on the viewers who watched the video.

 You can then retarget those custom audiences with another ad, so that they continue becoming familiar with you and your brand.

 Essentially, nurture campaigns are a mega-effective way to take a cold audience to warm, and to gauge exactly who is interested in your offers. It’s a quick way to introduce people to who you are, what you’re about, and how you can help them.

 And it’s the lowest barrier to entry for THEM, which is important. They don’t have to read a bunch of copy or click through to anything else. All they do is watch the video right in front of their eyeballs, and then they’re in your court! Score! (Okay, that’s enough sports lingo for me, y’all.)

Why do people forget about nurture campaigns?

As effective as nurture campaigns may be, they can also be scary because these ads are more of an investment. Although video ads are typically cheap to run, there’s no immediate return with nurture campaigns. Think of it as playing the long game, though. (Never mind, I guess we’re not done with sports analogies.) You won’t see an immediate return, but as long as you have an offer coming up in the next month or two, these ads will pay off.

While nurture campaigns don’t HAVE to be video ads, these are my favorite kind of nurture campaign. They’re inexpensive to create—just hit record on your phone or computer camera and share something your target audience will find valuable. And they build engagement audiences quickly because they can get to know you and your business from one quick video.

Plus, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel here. If you’re selling a digital course or you have video of a speaking engagement you did, you could simply pull a small portion from there… something you are teaching or something inspiring! No need to go out and hire a full camera crew, hair, and makeup, or video editors. Take what you have, or create something simple from scratch using what you have, and go from there.

What to remember about nurture campaigns

Think of it like this: The video is simply a way to warm people up to YOU! And as much as this gal loves an image ad or long-form copy… nothing can replace your bright, shining face on screen, sharing a piece of your heart and business. People connect with people, and as much as an image or great copy can endear some folks, a video goes so much farther.

Now, more than ever, in this post-iOS-update world, video is KEY! Video engagement on Facebook is an easy way to gather data directly ON Facebook, which, not only is a perfect way to gain audiences insights and warm them up at the tippy-top of the funnel, things you do ON Facebook are more likely to be able to be seen (by Facebook) whereas when you’re directing traffic OFF of Facebook, and given the iOS update, it’s more difficult for Facebook to keep track of.

After you’ve got your video ready to go, you would run these ads using the objective “engagement” or “video views” for them to be the most effective.

And be sure to set up a custom audience for the video you’re using AND answer any comments and questions on the ads. This is important! If you are showing up on video to humanize your brand, then it needs to expand to the comment section. If people are sharing their excitement or asking for clarity, you or someone on your team needs to be showing up for them to feel seen and heard (marketing 101, anyone?).

That’s it, sweet friends! You’ll be all set to rock nurture campaigns and take a cold target audience to a warm audience, ready to buy what you’re selling, in no time.

3 Easy Ways to Retain Clients

3 Easy Ways to Retain Clients

When you’re in a service-based business, one of your biggest goals should be to retain clients — and that’s a huge goal and huge deal to us at System Envy. The longer you can retain clients, the stronger your relationship can grow and the deeper your roots can, too.

Plus, what’s more, exciting as a business owner than to know that people want to work — and KEEP working — with you?
I have a Business Management degree that has helped me a ton along the way, and one of the biggest takeaways I learned is that it is not difficult to keep people happy. Even when you don’t produce a desired result or mess something up (which happens! That’s life), you can still always manage and maintain a solid relationship with your clients.
Here are our go-to methods for retaining clients within our agency.

3 Easy Ways to Retain Clients

I can assure you that retaining clients is really and truly not as hard as it might sound. While there are always things you can’t control, there ARE things that you can control — and these are 3 of your biggest.

1. Keep regular communication at the forefront of EVERYTHING.

Strong communication is the bedrock of everything you do as a service-based business, and it is the absolute best way to cultivate and keep a beautiful working relationship. By keeping your clients plugged in and letting them know what to expect, you’ll cut down on questions AND increase client trust — two very, very important things. Our rule at System Envy is to always respond to clients within 24 business hours, and to check in with our clients on Slack every 2-3 days (if not every day).
The goal? To never, ever have your clients reach out to find out where you are on a project.
I cannot tell you how many phone calls I’ve had with new clients who have told me their previous ad manager left them hanging or would take days and weeks to respond — and this blows my mind. It’s just so easy to send a quick email or Slack message, even if it says “I received this and want to give it some thought, I’ll respond soon.”

2. Set (flexible) expectations.

Everyone likes structure and knowing what to expect, which is where setting expectations comes into play. By setting expectations, having everyone crystal clear on what each person’s responsibilities are, and sharing detailed schedules and FAQ’s, it’s so much easier to stay on track and to keep your clients happy.
When it comes to setting client expectations — and team member expectations, but that’s a whole other post — let your clients know what’s included, let them know what’s not, and then go above and beyond where you can. Also, flexibility is part of life as a small business owner — so always leave room for that, too!

3. Professionalism is key.

When all else fails, professionalism should never. Ever. By creating a professional, personable, and empathetic persona and client experience, you can promise that you’ll always behave the right way and feel good about any response you’ll need to make. It’s also just a good reminder that you and your clients are HUMAN. People get moody, they go through things, and they have bad days — which is where professionalism has to continually show up.
I’ve had two clients in 11 years that went south… and fast — and it was a really important lesson for me, personally, of how important it is to stay professional. It’s not fun to feel particularly vulnerable as a business owner, and staying professional is how you can cover your arse (we don’t want nasty remarks floating around the interwebs, right?!) and know that you reacted in a way you can be proud of.
It’s not as hard as you might have thought to create really great working relationships, huh? If you’re intentional about how you run your business and treat your clients, you WILL keep and retain clients for a long time — and I already know you can do it!

What you’ll find behind the curtain of my Facebook™ Ads business, is someone who loves systems, strategy, family, fishing, flipping houses, interior design, everything Southern, animals, a hefty dose of sarcasm, Instagram stories and some of the most amazing clients on the planet.


Facebook Ads

How To


Sales Funnels
