3 Ways to Supercharge Your Ad Strategy

3 Ways to Supercharge Your Ad Strategy

When it comes to your Facebook ad strategy, your mission should be this: to constantly, constantly level it up. We live in a preeeeeetty much ever-changing world, and Facebook is an ever-changing social platform — so learning to supercharge, level up, and mix up your Facebook ad strategy is KEY to growth.
Luckily, though, leveling up doesn’t mean reinventing the wheel. Instead, you just need some go-to methods for switching it up and expanding your Facebook ad techniques (think: engagement ads, optimizing your ad audiences, and being you).

Luckily, that’s what I’m here for! You ready?! Here are the processes and techniques I implement with my clients.



3 Ways to Supercharge Your Ad Strategy


Before anything else, remind yourself that the key to Facebook ad strategy is to learn how to pivot and grow, no matter what. When you can remember that you’ll always want to switch it up with your Facebook ad strategy, it’s way easier to get yourself in the mindset.



1. Run engagement ads.

When you want to constantly grow your audience and excite the people scrolling your ads, you have to hook ‘em in — and that’s where engagement ads come in. Not sure what engagement ads are? They’re just what they sound like! Engagement ads are specifically built to draw people in and encourage them to click, usually through methods like video, polls, or imagery.
My fave way to run engagement ads is video… allllll the way. Video ads are super engaging, they’re cheap to run on Facebook, and they’re instant — i.e., they don’t require people to drop an email or take a click. All they have to do is watch, making it the best way to introduce people to your brand or re-engage custom prospects.

Pro tip: don’t forget to create a custom audience based on the viewers who watched your video so that you can re-target them with a new ad. That way, they keep learning from you + engaging with your content. It’s like magic.



2. Combine your Facebook ad audiences.

Based on the current state of the Facebook algorithm, the more people the better. Enter: combining your audiences to maximize your conversions and your reach. This is the best way to reach a bigger audience and optimize your results, and it doesn’t require as detailed of targeting or segmenting as the past.
Wondering how to do it? It’s easy! If you have several different client or email lists of warm audiences, try combining ‘em all and using them in one ad set. If you have a bunch of Lookalike audiences, combine those together and use them in one ad set. It’s simple, really: the wider the target, the more room the algorithm has to find your people. Give it the room to find your people!

3. Be. Yourself.

Here’s the thing: people want to do business with PEOPLE. They don’t want to do business with faceless brands and engage with super dry ads, especially on Facebook. Your job? To remember this, because the more personality you can infuse in your ads, the better! Regardless of whether or not you’re trying to be the face of your biz doesn’t matter — just work to add in voice and joy and fun wherever you can.
The goal? Humanize, humanize, humanize. Unless you’re a massive business with tons and tons of recognition (like Gap or Coca Cola), odds are that not everyone is going to know who you are! Find ways to bring your (or your business’s) humanity into your ad sets, whether it’s by using a signature character a la Flo from Progressive or simply by intermingling in a non-corporate sounding voice.
No matter who you are or what kind of business you’re in, you know that trying new things and new methods is part of life — and that goes for your Facebook ad strategy, too. Instead of being worried about constantly needing to do something new, just try out different things and see what works. It’s that simple!